FY21 Meeting Minutes

May 07, 2021 Approved Meeting Minutes

Friday, May 7, 2021
11:30 – 1:00 pm

Members Present:
Nancy Davin, Minute Taker, Jon Garfinkel, Co-Chair, Dan Katz, Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Anya Prince, Ben Rogers, Mike Schueller, Co-Chair, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Admin. Liaisons:
Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Audra Haddy, Megan Hammes, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Siroos Shirazi, Jill Valde, Cheri Smith, Heather Mineart, Jennifer Vermeer

  1. Introductions/Roll Call.  Complete.
  2. Approval of April meeting minutes. The motion was made by O’Sullivan and seconded by Laverty to approve the minutes. Approved unanimously.
  3. Digital Evaluation and Management (E&M) Coverage. Jennifer Vermeer presented on behalf of the UI Health Care team regarding a proposal for plan coverage of asynchronous medical management communications between the patient and provider via MyChart proposed to begin in January 2022.
  4. For coverage of digital E&M codes, medical care or decision-making must be provided, i.e., not a prescription refill request. Medicare has defined the terms regarding reimbursement. It is a lower-cost option in lieu of an in-person exam and Wellmark is not currently covering. The fee is less than in-person and is based on time.  This option is only available for established patients.  A $0 copay is proposed for the first-year pilot. If approved, it should not have an abundant financial impact on the plan.
  5. A motion was made by Nisly to recommend approval of coverage for digital evaluation and management code beginning January 2022 at $0 copay for a one-year pilot and seconded by Weiland. The motion passed unanimously with one abstention by Katz noted for conflict of interest. Benefits will report back 6-9 months into the pilot.
  6. COVID Updates. No cost-share for covid testing and related services to diagnose or detect covid 19 continues through the end of the national public health emergency. Members have zero cost-share for inpatient, in-network treatment of COVID-19 through June 30, 2021, with a chance of extension as there has been in the past.  Whether renewed or not, there will be communication to employees.
  7. Vaccination Plans. Supply is no longer an issue. On April 5, the Governor opened all Iowans’ eligibility. Fac/staff can receive vaccinations through the University Employee Health Clinic (UEHC) or from a local community provider. Over the summer, there will be conversations with UEHC and UIHC regarding how to incorporate any potential booster vaccine into our annual influenza campaign if feasible. Our healthcare plans cover the vaccines at no charge.
  8. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Class Action Lawsuit. There was a recent nationwide mailing from BC/BS discussing a settlement in a class-action lawsuit where the plaintiff alleged that the national offices violated anti-trust laws because they do not agree to compete amongst themselves. The mailing indicated that the recipient may be considered eligible. The UI General Counsel is discussing with the Board of Regent Office and the Iowa Attorney General to determine UI eligibility. The Attorney General has contacted BC/BS to seek clarification. If members wish to file a claim, they may.
  9. Other Updates
    1. The Quarterly Report for the period 1/1/21 - 3/31/21 was shared.
    2. The March Access Reports for Primary, Specialty, and Tertiary Care all revealed meeting or exceeding their targets except Specialty care at 78.88%, which will be monitored.
    3. Board of Regent Review. The review was approved to send to the presidents of the Regents institutions as part of the Consent Agenda at February 2021 meeting. Incoming president Barbara Wilson begins in July, after which there may be additional information for the committee on this issue.
  10. Initial discussion on Pharmacy Benefits
    The committee began its discussion of pharmacy benefits within the health insurance plans. Rebecca Olson provided an overview of current Rx benefit coverage for UIChoice and UISelect. Committee member, Julie Urmie, provided a summary of potential plan change options regarding specific drug coverage, and the overall structure of copay vs coinsurance of drug coverage. Discussion will continue in Fall 2021 regarding options presented, including impact to the plans overall and impact to plan members.
  11. New Business (AY 2021 - 2022)
    1. Farmland Investments
    2. Mental Health Coverage​​​​​​​

Next Meeting
September 3 and 10, 2021
Zoom Meeting

Apr. 02, 2021 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC)

Meeting Minutes for April 2, 2021
Meeting was via Zoom

1130 AM

Members Present: Jon Garfinkel (co-chair), Michael Schueller (co-chair), Nancy Davin, Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Anya Prince, Ben Rodgers, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland.

Administrative Liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Audra Haddy,  Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Mike Brownlee, Lisa Mascardo, Alex Mersch, Kevin Zihlman, Cheri Smith, Jill Valde, Mike Weaver

Members Absent: Dan Katz

  1. Introductions– Jon Garfinkel and Michael Schueller

    1. Completed for members and guests.
  2. Approval of March meeting minutes – Garfinkel and Schueller
    1. Motion to approve the minutes by John Laverty, second by Cathy Koebrick. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Annual Specialty Pharmacy Presentation by Mike Brownlee, Lisa Mascardo, and Alex Mersch – UI Health Care Pharmaceutical Services
    1. Alex Mersch and Mike Brownlee gave a Powerpoint presentation on outcomes from the specialty drug partnership between UIHC and UI Benefits and answered questions about the program. High satisfaction with the specialty pharmacy services and good patient adherence were reported. The vast majority of UI Plan participants’ specialty drugs are filled at UIHC.


  1. COVID Updates – Troester/Olson
    1. Rebecca Olson provided an update on cost-sharing for COVID diagnosis and treatment.
      • ​​​​​​​No member cost for COVID 19 testing & related services to diagnose or detect during the public health emergency.
      • No member cost for COVID 19 in-patient, in-network treatment was extended to June 30, 2021.
      • The university is preparing to begin vaccinating students and employees. The ReadySet survey for employees to indicate interest opens April 2 and UI starts the vaccination process for faculty and staff on April 5
  2. 2022 Plan Design Discussion – Olson/Troester
    1. Rebecca Olson presented data on member impact and peer comparisons related to the proposed change in level 1 copays. There was a discussion of the pros and cons of the proposed change.
      • Current coverage:  Apply one co-pay per date of service.
      • Proposed change:  Apply one co-pay per provider, per date of service.
      • Motion to approve the change by Nicole Nisly, second by Chuck Wieland. The motion passed with 12 members in favor and 1 member (O’Sullivan) opposed.
  3. Prioritization of May Agenda Items for Discussion - Garfinkel
    1. Three short presentations were given in order to prioritize a topic for discussion at the May 7, 2021 FRIC meeting.
      • Nicole Nisly presented on the issue of Farmland Investments in the retirement plan.
      • Julie Urmie presented on the issue of coinsurance in the pharmacy Benefits.
      • There was a pre-recorded video presentation from Dan Katz on the Mental Health Co-Pay Structure.
    2. A poll will be sent to FRIC members to have them select the topic they feel is the highest priority for presentation at the May meeting. The topics not selected for presentation at the May meeting will be discussed at a later meeting
      • ​​​​​​​Updated poll results (7) members prioritizing Pharmacy Benefits (5) member prioritizing mental health benefits and (1) member prioritizing Farmland investment for discussion at May 2021 meeting

Motion by Nicole Nisly to adjourn the meeting, second by Nancy Davin.  Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. 

Meeting minutes submitted by Julie Urmie

​​​​​​​Next Meeting

May 7, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Mar. 05, 2021 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC)
Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
March 5, 2021

  1. Role Call/Introductions
    1. Members Present:
      1. Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, John Laverty, Nancy Davin, Anya Prince, Cathy Koebrick, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland+, Anand Vijh
    2. Members Absent:
      1. Ben Rogers
    3. Administrative Staff Present:
      1. Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson
    4. Visitors Present:
      1. Cheri Smith, Megan Hammes, Audra Haddy, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Dana Stafford, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Teresa Marshall, Dan Fick, Heather Mineart
  2. Approval of February meeting minutes – Garfinkel/Schueller 
    1. Motion to approve by Wieland; Second Davin. Unanimous approval.
  3. COVID Updates – Troester/Olson
    1. Health Plans
      1. No member cost for COVID 19 testing & related services to diagnose or detect during the public health emergency.
      2. No member cost for COVID 19 in-patient, in-network treatment has been extended to June 30, 2021.
    2. Vaccination Plans
      1. Still following IDPH guidelines for COVID 19 vaccinations.
      2. Faculty/staff eligible for vaccine based and age and/or medical condition priority system as administered through health provider.
      3. Vaccines may also be obtained through pharmacies based on IDPH guidelines.
  4. Retirement Plans – Troester/Garfinkel
    1. Update – New IRS guidelines regarding loan provisions and plan administration
      1. TIAA implemented new loan system to comply with new IRS guidelines.
      2. University converts to new system March 30.
      3. New limit on number of loans is 3.
      4. One time administration fees ($75-$125 processing fee and $25 annual fee).
      5. Current loans are grandfathered on existing loan system.
      6. Communication sent to plan participants in February.
    2. Update – 4/1, 5/1, and 7/1 Fund line-up changes
      1. Retirement Fund Investment Committee (RFIC) regularly reviews retirement funds available to UI employees and recommends the following:
        1. 4/1 - Freeze Invesco Oppenheimer Senior Floating Rate fund due to performance; map new contributions to most age appropriate fund within  Lifecycle funds for each participant
        2. 5/1 - Freeze Lazard Emerging Markets fund due to performance; map new contributions to TIAA-CREF Emerging Market Fund Index
        3. 7/1 - Freeze Templeton Global Bond fund due to performance; map new contributions to Western Asset Plus
    1. Update - Natural Disaster Distribution
      1. Federal government to allow participants to take a special natural disaster distribution of individual retirement plan monies.
      2. Participant must have suffered a financial loss in 2020 due to a natural disaster such as the derecho.
      3. UI employees must contact TIAA to determine eligibility and make a request for a distribution of their VRSP funds.
    2. Farmland Investments
      1. Discussion on topic will occur on March 9th during scheduled presentation at the Faculty Council meeting.  Update will be given to the FRIC members during the April meeting.
  6. 2022 Plan Design Discussion – Olson/Troester
    1. Hearing Aid Coverage
      1. Current coverage is 20% coinsurance with a $2,000 limit every 5 years.
      2. Proposed changed to applicable level of co-insurance with a $1,500 limit every 36 months.
      3. Motion to approve (Wieland) second (Garfinkel). Unanimous approval
    2. UI Choice Level 1 Co-pay
      1. Current coverage:  Apply one co-pay per date of service.
      2. Proposed change:  Apply one co-pay per provider, per date of service.
      3. Discussion on the pros and cons of the proposal.
      4. Additional information to be provided to the committee at April meeting. 
  7. Updates – Troester/Olson
    1. Access Reports
      1. Employee patient access reports shared with committee.
        1. Reviewed all measurable goals in each category, UIHC exceeded each category.
    2. Quarterly Metrics
      1. PowerPoint slide provided to the committee which included 4 quarters of 2020 costs and utilization for UIChoice and UISelect.
    3. Board of Regent Review
      1. Board of Regents consent agenda (hyperlink provided)
        1. Consent agenda was approved by BOR
        2. Updates will be provided as issues/resolutions arise.
  8. New Business
    1. April– Specialty Pharmacy Annual Presentation
    2. UIHC North Liberty Project – on hold

Next Meeting

April 2, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Feb. 05, 2021 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting

February 5, 2021, via zoom       

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, John Laverty+, Nancy Davin, Anya Prince, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland, Anand Vijh

*Co-chairs; +Minutes

Members absent: Cathy Koebrick

Administrative staff present: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson 

Visitors present: Megan Hammes, Audra Haddy, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheri, Smith, Siroos Shirazi, Jennifer Vermeer, Jody Felderman, Michelle Havinga, Teresa Marshall, Heather Mineart

  1. Roll Call/Introductions: Joni Troester completed roll call.
  2. Approval of December Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Nancy Davin, seconded by Chuck Wieland, approved unanimously.
  3. UIHC Population Health Presentation: Jennifer Vermeer and Michelle Havinga from UIHC presented to the committee. They explained what an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is and common contract features. Specifics of the internal MOU UIHC/UI Benefits were discussed. It was noted there is an emphasis on quality first and then potential savings secondarily. Wellmark quality targets as defined by the “Value Index Scores” (VIS) were elaborated on as well as types of medical visits and tracking of those visits. UIHC’s key projects, including the Wellmark PCP Visit Project, ED Discharge Follow-Up Project, Population Health Provider Dashboard, and the Primary Care Provider Incentive Plan were explained. It was emphasized there is a several month lag in data reported for the ACO agreement due to claims run-out period and then data analysis. At the September 2021 meeting there will be a report of CY2020 outcomes for the ACO that includes attributed members from UI Choice and UI Select.
  4. Open Enrollment—Final Results: Rebecca Olson shared a table indicating some movement towards the UI Select plan (13%) vs. UI Choice (87%). There was movement in all family status categories to UI Select, but it was highest from the “Employee Only” status, accounting for about 80% of the overall migration. A discussion ensued of what trends may look like in the coming year which is hard to predict, although it was noted enrollment in the UI Select plan is approaching the original estimate when the plan was implemented.
  5. COVID Updates: The University health care plans have no cost-share for COVID testing and related services to diagnose or detect COVID-19. Coverage is in place during the public health emergency. There is no cost-share for in-patient, in-network treatment of COVID-19 through March 31, 2021 (which has been in place since last spring).

    Joni Troester co-chairs the UI Vaccination Distribution Group (VDG) with Dr. Dan Fick as part of the UI Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT). The VDG has developed an integrated campus plan and is currently working through the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) guidance regarding priority of eligible populations based on UI employment categories. Staff in “critical roles” are being notified by their collegiate/division leaders; those 65 and older can show interest for receiving the vaccine via UIHC MyChart or working with another community provider. There has been advocacy for people working in higher education to be prioritized for the vaccine.

    The Johnson & Johnson 1-dose shot will greatly increase supply and accessibility once it’s approved. A question was asked about CIMT putting out a communication to campus about what Fall semester will look like; Cheryl Reardon replied it is too early to communicate those details right now.
  6. Retirement Plan Updates: Joni Troester explained recommendation from the RFIC that UI pursue pro rata fee leveling for retirement plan funds with TIAA as the recordkeeper. These funds include our 403B mandatory retirement accounts as well as the voluntary individual plans. These are asset-based fees charged as a percentage of the fund assets; the percentage is relatively small at 3bps (1 bps = 1/100 of 1%); the fee covers recordkeeping and tracking data within the funds; and those with similar account balances pay similar fees. There are life cycle funds right now that are not paying a fee which creates inequity. The tentative timeline includes further discussion in February and March 2021, with expected implementation during CY2021 with an effective date of 1/1/2022. A motion to support the RFIC fee-leveling recommendation from their January 4, 2021 meeting was made by Dan Katz and seconded by Chuck Wieland; approved unanimously.
  7. With the meeting time running out, Joni suggested we table the other items on the committee agenda (including additional retirement plan updates, 2022 plan design discussion, UIHC care patient access report update, and new business) until our next meeting in March; all agreed. Joni also noted there is a meeting with the Faculty Council and RFIC members on March 9 to further discuss the Farmland Investments. Dan Katz strongly suggested Liz Tovar as UI’s Chief Diversity Officer be included in that meeting.
  8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. after a motion to do so was approved unanimously.

Recorder: John Laverty

Enrollment Management

Dec. 04, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Minutes
December 4, 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Conducted via Zoom

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, Nancy Davin, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Anya Prince, Cormac O’Sullivan, Angela Speers, Anand Vijh +, Chuck Weiland

*Co-chairs; +Minutes

Members absent: Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Ben Rogers, Julie Urmie

Administrative liaisons present:  Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Visitors present: Teresa Marshall, Cheryl Reardon, Cheri Smith, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Megan Hammes, Siroos Shirazi

  1. Roll Call/Introductions: Joni Troester completed roll call.
  2. Approval of November Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes was made by Nancy Davin, seconded by Cormac O’Sullivan, approved unanimously.
  3. Open Enrollment Preliminary Results: Rebecca Olson informed the committee that approximately 11,000 UI employees completed benefits enrollment by the scheduled end date of November 13, 2020. Regarding health plans, approximately 12% of the enrolled employees chose UISelect and the rest chose UIChoice. A significantly higher number of employees chose UISelect plan compared to last year when it was first offered.  Final stats will be shared with FRIC in February.
  4. Board of Regents Review: The Board established an advisory group to identify possible administrative and academic collaborations and efficiencies across the Regent institutions. The Board had their first meeting on this topic in November 2020 and a second meeting is scheduled in February 2021. Some of the collaborations and efficiencies involve insurance benefits. Updates on the Board review will be shared with FRIC.
  5. Affordable Care Act Update: A court case currently filed with the Supreme Court questions the constitutionality of ACA in view of the repeal of individual mandate. The Supreme Court will release their decision in spring or early summer. The benefits department will monitor developments and inform FRIC periodically.

    The Supreme Court decision is not likely to impact the University health care plans. UI provides health insurance coverage to regular faculty and staff employees working at least 50% time which is more generous than ACA requirements.
  6. COVID Update: The University health care plans provide excellent coverage of COVID related health problems. There is no member cost for COVID testing during the national pandemic. There is no member cost share for in-patient, in-network treatment of COVID-related health problems through March 31, 2021. COVID vaccines will not require a cost share from members. In addition, through December 30, 2020, retirement plan participants may withdraw money from their retirement plan without a tax penalty if they have a COVID-related financial hardship.

    UI Hospitals are geared up for delivering COVID vaccine that they expect to receive. Iowa River Landing facility of UI Hospitals has purchased six super-cold freezers to store the vaccine. Cormac O’Sullivan informed the committee that both Pharmacy and Nursing students at UI are planning to help with delivering the vaccine.
  7. Farmland Investments: Faculty Council received a proposed resolution to divest from farmland investments held by TIAA. An initial conversation occurred during the November Faculty Council meeting. A follow-up discussion will occur in their January meeting where TIAA is scheduled to present on this topic. Jon Garfinkel, Cathy Zaharis and Joni Troester will attend the meeting and provide FRIC with an update.
  8. Other Updates: Joni Troester updated the committee on the timing of access reporting from UIHC and open questions concerning prior authorizations and return visits. Committee to expect access reporting and answers to open questions for February meeting.
  9. New Business: Joni Troester reviewed the status of new business items.  UIHC will provide the committee with an update on the North Liberty project in the spring. UIHC population Health will provide an update to the committee during our February meeting. Mike Brownlee and Lisa Mascardo from UIHC Specialty Pharmacy will provide an update of 2020 results during our April meeting. Joni also shared the committee will discuss plan design changes during the February meeting.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned early after a motion to do so was approved unanimously.

Recorder: Anand M. Vijh
Tippie College of Business
Next Meeting: Feb. 5, 2021; 11:30am-1:00pm; via Zoom

Nov. 06, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Minutes
November 6, 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Conducted via Zoom

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, Nancy Davin, Dan Katz, Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly+, Anya Prince, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Weiland

*Co-chairs; +Minutes

Members absent: none

Administrative liaisons present:  Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Charles Anderson, Katherine Imborek, Susan Klatt, Teresa Marshall, Heather Mineart, Cheryl Reardon, Keri Semrau,  Cheri Smith, Sonia Slevinski, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jennifer Vermeer, Jessica Wade, Mike Weaver, Kara Wright

  1. Roll Call/Introductions. Joni Troester completed roll call.

  2. Approval of October meeting Minutes.  A motion to approve was made by Chuck Weiland, seconded by Nicole Nisly, approved unanimously.
  3. UIHC COVID-19 Response.  Jennifer Vermeer, Katherine Imborek, Keri Semrau presented an overview of UIHC’s response to the COVID-19 since the pandemic was announced in March. The committee agreed UIHC’s response to the pandemic is very impressive.
  4. Open Enrollment Update. Rebecca Olson provided an update on open enrollment which is currently underway. The virtual open enrollment is going very well. Final day for open enrollment is Friday, November 13th.  She will share preliminary results at the December FRIC meeting.  
  5. Benefits at Termination of Employment.  Rebecca Olson reviewed what occurs with insurance benefit coverage when faculty and staff leave employment at the university.
  6. UIHC Patient Access Reports.  Joni Troester presented UIHC patient access reporting thru September, 2020.  UIHC continues to meet goals in this area.   A question was posed by committee member regarding prior authorization requirement for UI Choice or UI Select members to schedule with a specialist.  No authorization is required.  Joni Troester to follow-up with Patient Access Center. Additional question posed by committee member regarding access for return visits.  Joni Troester to follow-up with UIHC to determine if this data is currently captured and could be shared with the committee.
  7. Quarterly Metrics. Rebecca Olson shared quarterly health plan stats thru 3rd quarter 2020. A side-by-side comparison of data from both plans (UI CHOICE and UI SELECT) was reviewed. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been irregular utilization  which makes data analysis difficult to interpret.       
  8. New Business Topics. Joni Troester reviewed the status of three new business items.  UIHC North Liberty project was placed on hold due to COVID but should be resurrected in early 2021. We will have something to share with the committee in the spring. UIHC Population Health will provide update to the committee during our February meeting. Mike Brownlee and Lisa Mascardo from UIHC Specialty Pharmacy will provide an update of 2020 results during our April meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Michael Schuller, second by Cormac O’Sullivan; approved unanimously.

Oct. 02, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Minutes
October 2, 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Conducted via Zoom

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, Nancy Davin, Dan Katz, Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly, Anya Prince, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers+, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Weiland

*Co-chairs; +Minutes

Members absent: none

Administrative liaisons present:  Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Dan Fick, Megan Hammes, Susan Klatt, Teresa Marshall, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Cheri Smith, Julie Sexton, Jill Valde, Jessica Wade, Mike Weaver

  1. Introductions.  Michael Schueller introduced the members and guests present for today’s meeting. Joni Troester welcomed new committee member, Anya Prince, who replaced Brian Kaske.
  2. Approval of September meeting Minutes. A motion to approve was made by Chuck Weiland, seconded by Nicole Nisly, approved unanimously.
  3. COVID-19 Updates. Rebecca Olson shared that COVID 19 retirement plan loans which allowed increased loan limits expired September 22, 2020.
  4. Open Enrollment Plans. Rebecca Olson provided an update on Open Enrollment plans. Open Enrollment for 2021 benefits runs Oct 22 - Nov 13. This year is an expanded open enrollment period due to COVID-19. The enrollment will be fully virtual this year, including several online resources, including an interactive enrollment guide, daily live Q & A sessions, real world examples of costs under our health plans, and informational videos. Open Enrollment communication to campus started September 30th and will continue until the end of the Open Enrollment period. Rebecca fielded questions from the Committee. She confirmed a side-by-side comparison of health plans would be available for employees to use during the enrollment period.

    Committee members asked how flexible spending accounts (FSAs) work. Rebecca stated that the FSA funds in one’s account on December 31st must be used, otherwise they are forfeited. The list of eligible medical expenses has been expanded to cover certain over-the-counter items without a prescription. Both masks and face shields purchased during the COVID are considered eligible medical expenses on the health FSA.

    Committee member asked if our FSA plan allowed a "grace period" option of 2.5 months and the option to carry a small amount over to the next year. The UI does not administer the plan this way, as the administration of such a plan is challenging; no other discussions on this topic.

    In past years, open enrollment closed on a Sunday, but this year it is a Friday. The decision to close on Friday is due to an absence of staff in ITS and University Benefits over the weekend should the employee encounter a system problem. This year, the enrollment period was extended by one week to include a three-week time period.

    A question was raised regarding translation for employees for whom English is not their spoken language. If employees wish assistance translating our materials to their native language, University Benefits will secure a translator on campus.
  5. Retirement Plan: Fund Line-up change. Joni Troester communicated the recommendation from the Retirement Fund Investment Review Committee to eliminate Invesco Oppenheimer Senior Floating Rate Fund due to underperformance. Assets within this fund will be mapped to the most age appropriate fund with the Lifecycle target funds for each participant.
  6. CY2019 ACO Shared Savings Results. Joni Troester provided an update on the CY2019 ACO through UIHC. UIHC exceeded the Quality Indicator score, and received 30% of the annual savings attributed to the ACO (per the shared savings agreement). Total savings were $1.8 million for calendar year 2019 with $550k was transferred to UIHC. Discussion: There was request from the committee for more information about the ACO in general, and population health. Joni will follow-up with UIHC regarding a future presentation on this topic.
  7. UIHC Patient Access Report. Joni Troester presented patient access reports thru August, 2020. UIHC continues to meet goals in this area.   
  8. Financial Challenges in the Coming Months. Joni Troester indicated if there are any benefits related issues relative to institutional financial challenges there may be a need for a special meeting prior to November 6th.    
  9. New Business Topics. UIHC North Liberty project was put on hold due to COVID. UIHC will try to have something to share with the committee in Spring 2021. For the November FRIC meeting, UIHC will come to the meeting and discuss their COVID response.
  10. Final comments. Dan Katz shared he is concerned that there are people in our community that are losing their jobs. Could we extend our benefits after layoffs of University employees? This will be added to the agenda for November.   

Motion to adjourn by Jon Garfinkel, second by Michael Schueller.

Next Meeting:

Dec. 04, 2020

Zoom Meeting 11:30am - 1:00 pm

Sept. 04 and 11, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Minutes
September 4 and 11, 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Conducted via Zoom

September 4 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, Nancy Davin+, Dan Katz, Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Weiland

*Co-chairs; +Minutes

Members absent: Brian Kaskie, Nicole Nisly

Administrative liaisons present:  Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Dan Fick, Megan Hammes, Susan Klatt, Teresa Marshall, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Cheri Smith, Julie Sexton, Jill Valde, Jessica Wade, Mike Weaver, Kara Wright, Dana Stafford

  1. Introductions.  Jon Garfinkel  introduced everyone.
  2. Approval of May meeting Minutes. A motion to approve was made by Cormac O’Sullivan, seconded by Chuck Wieland, approved unanimously.
  3. COVID-19 Updates. This will be a standard agenda item for the foreseeable future. Rebecca Olson discussed the changes that were made to the health plans as discussed at our May FRIC meeting. There is $0 cost-share for COVID-19 testing and related services during the public health emergency, and $0 cost-share for in-network, inpatient COVID-19 treatment through December 31, 2020. As of September 1, we will revert to the standard health plan provisions for virtual visits and accidental dental benefits. UI Choice and Select plans provide coverage for virtual visits and will now be considered an office visit where a co-pay would apply unless seeking mental health services on UI Choice; $0 copay. Accidental dental benefits must be treated within 12 months from the injury. Finally, special mid-year health plan changes where IRS allowed COVID-19 exception for employees to add to or drop health insurance coverage ended August 31, 2020. When a COVID-19 vaccine is developed and distributed, it will be covered with no co-pay since it is part of the preventative plan.

    The IRS released clarification of COVID-19 related provisions which included expansion of “qualified individuals” definition giving members access to COVID 19 retirement fund distributions up to the lower of their plan balance or $100,000 with no penalty before December 31, 2020. COVID 19 retirement plan loan limits were increased to the lower of their plan balance or $100,000 and are available before September 23, 2020. A communication regarding this will be distributed.
  4. CY2021 Premium Rate Discussion
    1. Plan comparisons are listed on the website.
    2. Dental II Premiums. UI Benefits recommends 0% increase across all family statuses. 
    3. UI Choice. 
      1. Employee premium cost share for Employee and Dual Spouse Family is 10% for CY2021.
      2. Employee+Spouse and Employee+Child and Family status remain at an employee premium cost share of 20%.
    4. UI Select.
      1. Employee premium cost share for Employee and Dual Spouse Family statuses remains at 0%.
      2. Employee Spouse, Employee+Child and Family Statuses have a cost share of 20%.
      3. Joni Troester  reviewed the design features of the UI Select Health Plan.
  5. CY2021 Premium Rate Setting.
    1. Rate setting process discussed; assumptions and data used in rate setting shared.
    2. Proposed rates were presented with a 5% increase for both UI Choice and UI Select plans and across all family status. (less than CY2020 @ 10%)
  6. CY2021 Retiree Health Insurance Rates.
    1. Rate setting process discussed; assumptions and data used in rate setting shard.
    2. Proposed rate increase for Medicare Carve-out Retiree Health Plan is  8.9%. (slightly less than 10.6% for CY20)
  7. Motion to approve rates for CY2021. Following discussion and time for questions, a motion was made by Nancy Davin, which was seconded by John Laverty to approve the rates as proposed. The motion was passed unanimously. 
  8. Anand Vijh asked that Zoom roll call votes be alternated in alpha and reverse alpha order
  9. We will have an additional September meeting next Friday, September 11, 11:30 a.m. Outlook invitations are on calendars with the Zoom link included.  We have a proposal from UIHC on which Jennifer Vermeer – from UIHC-  would like FRIC feedback. 
  10. Chuck Wieland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ben Rogers. Motion passed.

September 11 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Michael Schueller*, Nancy Davin+, Dan Katz, Cathy Koebrick, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers, Angela Speers, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Weiland

*Co-chairs; +Minutes

Members absent: Brian Kaskie

Administrative liaisons present:  Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Teresa Marshall, Heather Mineart, Richard Saunders, Katie Schier, Cheri Smith, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jennifer Vermeer, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright

  1. eConsults.  Jennifer Vermeer and Katie Schier from UIHC presented on behalf of UIHC regarding adding eConsults to the UI Choice and UI Select plans for 2021. Presentation included a definition of e-consults, benefits to the plan and patient, and results from a previous pilot program with Medicare.
    Time was allowed for questions and discussion. A motion was made by Nicole Nisly, seconded by Ben Rogers. All present voted in support of adding eConsult to the plan except Dan Katz who abstained due to the fact that a decision would present a conflict of interest.
  2. 2020 Metrics. Rebecca Olson shared the metrics for July 2018 through June 2020. There has been irregular utilization due to the COVID-19 pandemic, making data analysis difficult to interpret at this point. FRIC members requested a side-by-side comparison of data from both plans (UI CHOICE and UI SELECT) in the future, especially when meeting virtually.   

Following open enrollment FRIC members will receive an update on plan migration.

  1. UI Health Care Patient Access Report. Patient access targets continue to be met in a timely manner. The PAC has done an excellent job facilitating access. Nicole Nisly asked if eConsults will counted in the access numbers.  Joni Troester will let the committee know in November whether eConsults will be tracked.
  2. New Business. Scheduled for spring 2021 is an update from UIHC on the North Liberty project (rehab facility). At the October 2020 meeting an update will be provided on the open enrollment plan.

The next meeting is October 2, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.

FY20 Meeting Minutes

May 01, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes: May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020
Meeting conducted via Zoom 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Nancy Davin*, Chuck Wieland, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly, Dan Katz†, Steve Bernholtz, John Laverty, Ben Rogers, Cormac O’Sullivan

*co-chairs, †minutes

Members absent: Brian Kaskie

Administrative liaisons present: Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests: Jessica Wade, Joe Yockey, Kara Wright, Dana Stafford, Cheryl Reardon, Cheri Smith, Julie Sexton, Michael Brownlee, Lisa Mascardo, Alex Mersch, Jill Valde, Susan Klatt

  1. Introductions – Garfinkel and Davin
  2. Approval of February 2020 FRIC meeting minutes: moved by Nisly; second by Wieland
  3. Number of meetings in September for Premium Rate Setting Discussion
    • September 4 only or add September 11
    • Discussion, followed by Roger’s motion to schedule 2 meetings and cancel second if possible; seconded by Wieland; Vote: approved
  4. Specialty Pharmacy Presentation – Michael Brownlee, Chief Pharmacy Officer; with Lisa Mascardo and Alex Mersch
    • Partnership between UI pharmacy and UI Benefits started in 2019. Gives members more high touch service, offers more robust copay assistance program, goal to improve overall pharmacy experience.
    • UI pharmacists are part of the larger health care team and take an active role in the complicated process of health care administration for often complex patients.
    • The specialty pharmacy quality and adherence metrics are very high and exceed those of outside pharmacies.
    • UI pharmacists ask: Is the drug really working? They feel that they do a better job of assessing medication compliance and outcomes relative to the results expected from a particular therapy. One thing that helps produce these results is that UI pharmacists track the labs and make more nimble medication adjustments.
    • 30% of pts take advantage of copay or grant assistance which translates into beneficiary savings of up to $750-800/month.
    • Satisfaction surveys are administered quarterly to the specialty med patients and most patients agree that they are very satisfied. Patients frequently comment that they like getting a live person on the phone.
    • Drug cost trends: specialty pharmacy meds are expensive and outpace the rate of rise of non-specialty medicine inflation. A 7% or more year-over-year increase in specialty pharmacy revenues is expected. 42% of pharmacy industry revenue in 2021 is expected to be accounted for by specialty meds versus 17% in 2011.
    • Approval process for specialty meds is faster: taking about 10 mo v 2 yrs previously, meaning that more meds are entering use at a faster pace.
    • Contributing to overall healthcare costs is that the services that go along with the specialty meds are also more complex and expensive. For example, the meds are not just oral but also may require i.v. administration: at home with home nurse or at i.v. infusion center.
    • 30% of total pharmacy benefits are consumed by just 5 disease categories: Inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, oncology, Hepatitis C, and HIV. 1-2% of patients can drive 50% of specialty drug costs
    • There are unpredictable cost increases leading to difficulties in forecasting.
    • A priority is to monitor outcomes versus value.
    • Volume of UI specialty pharmacy care increased in 2019 with expanded membership, higher risk pts, and new treatment options.
    • A gray area in the way Wellmark categorized certain meds as pharmacy versus medically related and associated copays was clarified and should no longer be an issue.
    • Lessons learned from member feedback: members like more technology, want to leverage My Chart, improve packaging, and gain access to limited distribution drugs.
    • Questions
      1. Q: How many pts receive copay assistance that weren’t receiving it before? A: no exact data, no answer on change, pharmacy will look into.
      2. Q: Can a reduction in other areas of care be shown as a result of specialty med use (i.e. does the treatment of Hepatitis C lead to lower long-term Hepatitis C related medical costs?) A: Hard to show reduction in other areas of care (mitigation) as a result of use of more specialty meds. More time needed.
  5. COVID-19 Response – Troester
    • New employee orientation: New employee orientation being done via YouTube. The Benefits Office has quickly adapted to the remote environment
    • Dependent eligibility verification: strict enforcement on hold until resolution of acute COVID phase
    • Telehealth: telehealth visits covered at no charge in both UI (Choice and Select) plans; 2900 visits via UIHC’s COVID telehealth screening service  on all plans so far. COVID  testing is free and COVID vaccines will be free. UI opted in to have no copays related to treatment for COVID.
    • CARES Act – Retirement Plan Provisions (details available on https//hr.uiowa.edu/benefits/retirement-plans/cares-act-provision-and-your-retirement-plans)
      1. Penalties and withholding are waived for qualified distributions from retirement plan accounts
      2. Retirement plan loan limits have been increased
      3. Optional suspension of required minimum distributions (RMDs) for 2020

Discussion on COVID response:

  • Discussed tele access depending on patients’ location and continuity of care.
  • Q: How will the suspension of elective surgeries affect costs/revenue? A: Will we have the info in Sept when we start talking about setting rates.
  • Q: How many patients have contacted TIAA to take advantage of the COVID provisions?A:70-80
  • Q: Do we have furloughed employees and what’s happening to their retirement or benefits vis a vis COVID? A: No furloughs yet as result of COVID. All employees are in pay status until the end of the semester. New pay practices starting 5/16/20 will be released.
  1. Active Employee Death Benefits – Olson
    • Health and dental insurance: Continuation for spouse and dependent child (up to age 26), premiums are the same as for retirees
    • University paid group life insurance: 2 x salary up to $400,000 max, some employees may have opted for different coverages
    • Accumulated vacation time payout
    • Accumulated sick leave payout (For employees 55 and older $2,000k max, per State of Iowa guidelines).
    • One month base pay
    • EAP (employee assistance program) service for spouse and children up to 90 days
  2. Updates on metrics
    • Steady to slightly increased ER and outpatient visits compared with Q1 2019
    • Increase in pharmacy and outpatient clinic costs
    • Difficult to assess metrics due to unknown affect of COVID on access.
  3. Possible extra FRIC meeting in May or June related to measures that may need to be taken in response COVID induced losses or costs.


Motion to adjourn: Wieland; second: Nisly

Mar. 06, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes: Mar. 06, 2020


March 6, 2020
302 University Services Building
1130 AM

Members Present: Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Daniel Katz, John Laverty, Nicole Nisley, Ben Rogers, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Members Absent: Brian Kaskie, Cormac O’Sullivan

Administrative liaisons:  Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Dana Stafford, Kara Wright, Joe Yockey, George Johnson


  1. Introductions– Garfinkel and Davin
  2. Approval of February meeting minutes – Motion to approve by Wieland; second by Davin.  Unanimous approval. 
  3. Follow-up on Open Enrollment Demographics – Provided by Rebecca Olson
    • Shared UIChoice and UISelect Health Plan enrollment data as of January 1, 2020.
    • Chuck asked about information by income bands; others on the committee suggested waiting until UISelect grows (i.e. above 10%)
    • UIHR will add this to the enrollment report template next year
  4. Provider/Network Access Reports – Provided by Joni Troester
    • Feb. 2020 report reviewed (in binder)
    • Health care providers are meeting expectations based upon predetermined metrics.
    • We can expect some variance from month-to-month; in February 2020, slightly higher for primary care, a little lower for specialty care, and a slight increase for tertiary care.
    • Feedback from Dr. Nicole Nisly indicates that UIHC is working to hire more 1st level Neurology care providers at IRL. Also increasing e-consultations between primary and specialty care providers to increase options for primary providers to help patients in their offices.
    • UIHC is not quite ready to publicly discuss planning for the new North Liberty facility. FRIC will have a report from UIHC in Spring 2021.
    • New UIHC patients not willing to take “first-available” appointments are not included in the patient access reports. Patients with already established relationships with a care provider at UIHC are also not included, as they already have priority for on-going appointments.
    • General discussion ensued regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and what is being done at UI to prepare and respond. It was recommended to refer to the UI website for Campus Coronavirus Updates at https://coronavirus.uiowa.edu/.
  5. Pharmacy Benefit Manager Update – Provided by Joni Troester
    • Finalizing scope of work with Aon to conduct market check review. They will provide UI initial information this summer and have a formal report in the fall.
    • Phase II would be an RFP if the data suggests it would be beneficial to move forward with that option.
    • It was suggested that even if we don’t do an RFP, that we still look into the pharmaceutical rebate issue and value based opportunities; what we could do to benefit those enrolled in our health insurance plans.
  6. Preliminary Discussion: Potential Use of Health Plan Savings – Garfinkel
    • Just under  $4 million in projected institutional savings (not new revenue) from premium cost structure changes with UI Choice single and UI Choice dual spouse family now having a 5% premium cost share
    • Prior discussions (by the Health Insurance Stakeholder Advisory Committee) have suggested the savings should benefit employees who participate in the health insurance plans (this could be considered a “guiding principal”)
    • A few suggestions from FRIC committee members included:
      • Develop a mechanism to provide grants from the savings for pilot programs in health care that would directly benefit patients or provide preventative care
      • Create an “endowment” to offset unexpected costs in the Plans (i.e. outliers of super high-priced drugs)
      • Create an employee assistance fund for those who are unable to pay for out-of-pocket expenses
      • Determine some free medications that are essential and of high benefit and/or could reduce health care expenses later (i.e. HIV prevention drugs, insulin, etc.)
      • Reduce premium prices and/or out-of-pocket costs
      • Reduce fringe rates to UI departments to help provide more competitive salaries in targeted job categories.
      • Support preventative and well-being services; outside gym and other wellness membership costs (it was mentioned that Wellmark already provides some of this benefit to us; it’s just not advertised widely because of relationship with UI Recreation Services)
      • FRIC co-chairs will reach out to UI Staff Council president – Mike Weaver and UI Faculty Senate V.P. – Joe Yockey to discuss their participation (or by designees from those two shared governance groups) regarding options for the estimated $4 million savings. Mike Weaver convened a group already last year, so may have a list already developed and ready to share.
  7. Level One Providers - Urmie
    • 2019 vs. 2020 data provided
    • Julie Urmie told of some UI staff who work in other parts of the state and don’t have direct access to Level I providers unless they travel back to the Iowa City area. These are mostly health care residents.
    • Joni Troester reminded the committee that UI staff not only work across Iowa but also across the US.
    • There was a discussion about those who are required to live elsewhere because of their job at UI vs. those who choose to work remotely.
    • Discussion continued about the fairness of those remote employees having to pay higher rates (Level II). Chuck Wieland commented that in either case, the maximum out-of-pocket limits are the same. Also, our Level II is more similar to most other employers’ Level I coverage.
    • Mike Schueller said this issue has been discussed before during his tenure on FRIC and because of the complexities of the issue and good coverage provided, no accommodations have ever been made for those working remotely.
    • A question was asked by Jon Garfinkel about how making accommodations for staff working remotely to receive Level I benefits would be different than exceptions being made for certain pharmaceuticals or procedures we make now?
    • A discussion ensued about considering just health care residents working remotely in Iowa because of their relatively low salaries and how paying Level II out-of-pocket could affect them more. Others asked then to consider reviewing all employees at or below certain salary levels. UIHR staff explained the difficulty and complexity of looking at just salary levels of individual staff.
    • Julie Urmie will consider suggesting to out-of-region health care clinics to increase their agreements with UI so that UI staff working in those areas could use Level I benefits. Many of these locations already have some level of agreement with UI.
  8. Old Business
    1. UI Health Care ER – Discussion
  9. New Business
    1. April Meeting – Specialty Pharmacy presentation
    2. Spring 2021 meeting – UI HC North Liberty project

Next Meeting
April 3rd from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at 302 USB (Meeting was canceled)

Minutes taken by John Laverty

Feb. 07, 2020 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes: Feb. 07, 2020

Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2020
302 University Services Building
1130 AM

Members Present: Jon Garfinkel (co-chair), Nancy Davin (co-chair), John Laverty, Nicole, Nisly, Ben Rodgers, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Anand Vijh, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland,

Administrative Liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Megan Hammes, Cheryl Reardon, Kara Wright, Jill Valde, Theresa Marshall,

Members Absent: Brian Kaskie, Steve Bernholz, Dan Katz, Cormac O’Sullivan

1.  Introductions– Garfinkel and Davin

2.  Approval of December meeting minutes – Wieland motion; Davin second

Moved and Approved Unanimously

3.  Open Enrollment Update – Olson

  • Shared final open enrollment update from 2019. Only modest changes in terms of UIChoice vs. UISelect population mix since last update.
  • 1323 UI select & 16918 UIChoice - 7% overall migrated to UI Select.
  • Expecting more migration to UI Select next year - particularly as premium on UIChoice increases for employee only and UI dual spouse family
  • FRIC requested more information about age and faculty/P&S/merit demographics in relation to migration to UI Select.
  • Next fall we will have more information that will allow us to make more informed decisions regarding rate setting structure; actual utilization of the new plan
  • Committee member provided personal experience with UI Select.
    • UI Select has been a learning experience. 
    • When you have kids in college you have to communicate regarding out of state and in state when people move back and forth under the Guest Membership program
    • Finding providers on UI Select is not that easy. Opportunity to improve the communications and website.
  • Anecdotal feedback discussed about why staff did not move to UI Select.
    • Feedback that decision is being driven for many by the out of state differences between the plans.
    • Feedback that many are waiting for word of mouth from peers.
    • Differential cost between the plans was not big enough to drive some people to change.

A reminder was provided that UI allows people to move back and forth between plans each year at open enrollment

  • Projected institutional savings projected at just under $4 million this year from the premium cost structure changes (UI Choice single and UI Choice Dual Spouse Family now having a 5% premium cost share)

4.  Retirement Plan – Pre-2009 withdrawals – Olson

  • We currently have an unusual provision that allows withdrawal of pre-2009 employer contributions from the mandatory retirement plan. No other TIAA plans (nationwide) have a similar provision. Proposal is to sunset this provision Jan 1, 2021.
  • Only 14 employees have requested this in the last 10 years but experiencing increasing interest in this provision.
  • Philosophically the university provides contributions for retirement. This clause allows withdrawal of funds in such a way that they could be used for non-retirement. Discussion ensued about the fact that this part of employee compensation and employees should have some discretion about how their compensation is used.
  • Discussion arose about whether the implementation window should be shortened to July 1, 2020.
  • Motion to approve and seconded to accept proposal but change implementation date to July 1, 2020.
  • Significant discussion ensued. Points discussed:
    • Discussion that this is the employer money.
    • This only affects the individual who makes the decision to withdrawal.
    • There are administrative fees associated with these withdrawals and they are error prone due to complexity of calculating the amounts but not a significant impact to plan viability.
    • This is going to be viewed as taking away yet another benefit/reducing the University benefits even if very few use it.
    • This is moving the University back to the standard given that no one else in the nation does this.
    • No history is available about why this was introduced in 2009. And this is not allowed for contributions after 2009.
  • Motion amended after discussion and seconded to accept original proposal with Jan 1, 2021 implementation date. Motion carried with 7 aye and 3 nay

5.  Provider/Network Access Reports/Follow-up – Troester

  • Access for primary care expectations are being met. Individuals who are requesting very specific times/physicians not counted in this number.
  • Specialty care – Expectations met in January.. Some areas such as dermatology and neurology remain challenging.
  • Questions from FRIC members
    • Where there are national shortages, should we be considering level 1 for other providers? Could be explored but would want to do this in partnership with UIHC.
    • Dermatology may not be getting credit for e-consults. We will need to investigate this. These are appointments that are being brought through PAC. Are there non-appointment items like this that need to be considered in our metrics.
    • Where does mental health fall within this information. Psychiatry can be difficult to get into. Level 1 for both plans are community plus UI Healthcare. As such this is different. We also have EAP and can do four free visits before referral to community 
  • Tertiary care metrics are being exceeded and met across all sub-specialties.

UIHC has been a very good partner and is working hard to expand access and meet the access metrics.

6.  Quarterly Metrics – Olson

  • 8 quarters of statistics now available with the Faculty, P&S, and Merit population under same benefits plans.
  • As expected Q4 was the busiest.
  • Number of employees and members has grown modestly.
  • Utilization and costs are up.
  • Seeing about 6% annual cost increases. National is 6-7%.
  • Specialty drugs are growing at the most rapid rate, and we will discuss more in April.

7.  Pharmacy Benefit Manager Update - Troester

  • Finishing up work with Aon on statement of work to examine what financial gain that may be available by leveraging a direct PBM contract.
  • Summary of this analysis will hopefully brought forward to FRIC in September 2020 timeframe
  • If analysis is promising, then UI would consider moving forward to an RFQ.

8.  Old Business

  • UI Health Care ER – Discussion.  March or April agenda.
  • Request to invite UIHC to discuss North Liberty expansion plans in March/April.

Motion to Adjourn approved at 12:48PM

9.  New Business

  • April Meeting - Specialty Pharmacy Presentation

Minutes taken by Ben Rogers.

Dec. 06, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes: Dec. 06, 2019

Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2019
302 University Services Building
1130 AM

Members Present: Jon Garfinkel (co-chair), Nancy Davin (co-chair), Steve Bernholz, Dan Katz, John Laverty, Nicole, Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rodgers, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Anand Vijh, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland,

Administrative Liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Megan Hammes, Rhonda Fruhling, Chris Thompson, Mary Ann Allan, Susan Klatt

Members Absent: Brian Kaske

  1. Introductions– Jon Garfinkel and Nancy Davin
  • Completed for members and guests.
  1. Approval of November meeting minutes – Jon Garfinkel and Nancy Davin
  • Motion by Mike Schueller to approve the November meeting minutes, second by Chuck Wieland. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Diabetes Pilot Update – Presentation by Rhonda Fruhling and Chris Thompson, UI Health Care
  • A total of 42 patients have participated in the diabetes pilot program: 21 are considered active, 13 disengaged and 8 graduated from the program. Over the 12 month period, Hemoglobin A1C improved, diabetes self-control improved, and QoL improved. Cost data was confounded by outliers. Future goals are to increase access by engaging new providers and to develop new guidelines for patient progress through the program and what constitutes engagement. 
  • The committee is interested in additional data on costs and a comparison of outcomes for active vs disengaged participants.
  1. Open Enrollment Update – Rebecca Olson
  • Benefits office staff provided extensive educational materials to assist with open enrollment and also conducted in person and zoom informational sessions. About 750 people attended the in person sessions and about 150 people attended the zoom sessions. They are still finalizing enrollment statistics, but approximately 7% of employees enrolled in UISelect. 
  • There is a new voluntary 457b deferred compensation plan beginning in January 2020.  Employees may enroll beginning mid-December.  Employee only contributions will be made to the plan.
  • Late December, Benefits is mailing a letter to the homes of employees and retirees who chose UISelect to confirm their enrollment and provide a recap of the plan provisions and drug formulary, including the process for obtaining a guest membership through the UISelect Plan
  1. Quarterly Metrics – Rebecca Olson
  • Quarterly utilization and cost metrics were presented. Utilization and costs generally were up relative to last year.
  1. Provider/Network Access Reports/Follow-up – Joni Troester
  • Provider network access reports will be begin to be sent monthly, but eventually will transition to quarterly reports. An escalation protocol for the patient access center has been formalized.  There still are anecdotal reports of access issues - it is important to report these issues to the UI Benefits Office so that they can follow-up. Plan to put notification on benefits website that employees should identify themselves as UI Choice or UI Select members when they call UI Health Care for appointments.
  1. Old Business
  • As a follow-up to last meeting’s discussion about emergency department (ED) wait times, Dan Katz proposed that employees should be able to go elsewhere and have equivalent coverage if wait times are longer than 2 hours. Dan will summarize the proposal in an email and send to the committee chairs. Additional data from the UI ED will be requested.

Motion by Mike Schueller to adjourn the meeting, second by Nicole Nisly. Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. 

Meeting minutes submitted by Julie Urmie

Nov. 01, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes: Nov. 01, 2019

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting
November 1, 2019,
302 USB

Introduction and roll call of members:  Nancy Davin, Daniel Katz, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland, Steve Bernholtz

Introduction and roll of administrative liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Absent (members): Brian Kaskie, Jon Garfinkel, Anand Vijh

Visitors: Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Kara Wright, Andrew Nugent, Jennifer Vermeer, Dan Fick, Jessica Wade, Keri Semaru, Theresa Marshall

  1. Approval of October 2019 minutes: Motion to approve O’Sullivan, 2nd Rogers.  Unanimous approval
  2. UIHC Emergency Room Access/Capacity presentation: Andy Nugent (Medical Director for the ED at UIHC) provided information on the Emergency Department access and capacity. 
    • ER volume has decrease by approx. 5000 visits in the past few years.
    • 40% of ER patients are admitted. The national average is 15%. 
    • Quick Care & Urgent Care are an option.
    • Discussion around education on when to use Quick Care or Urgent Care rather than going to the ER.
    • The Crisis Stabilization Unit has helped provide mental health care relieving the ER.
    • Dan Katz suggested having a Kiosk in the ER lobby to help patients decide if they should wait in the ER or go to Quick/Urgent Care instead. 
    • There is a need for a Pediatric ER to see these patients in a less stressful/scary environment. 
    • UIHC census is often over capacity at 98% full. Optimum capacity is 85%. This often can create back log in the ED for patients that need to be admitted.
  3. Open Enrollment Update: Rebecca Olson informed the group that Open Enrollment is going well.
    • There have been 32 training sessions, 18 off site & office hours all over campus to educate staff on their health insurance options.
    • In the first nine days, of those who have completed enrollment for 2020 benefits, 84% chose UIChoice & 10% chose UISelect. 35% migration was predicted. 
    • Open Enrollment goes until November 15th. Historically, many wait until the last week to enroll. 
    • Staff will receive a confirmation & have until November 25th to make any final changes.
  4. Access Targets for 2020:  Jennifer Vermeer provided an update on UIHC access for 2020.
    • The dashboard report she provided is new. There was discussion about primary care physicians and wait times for appointments. 
    • Additionally, there was some question on primary care providers that were accepting new patients. 
    • The new dashboard will be updated and shared with FRIC in 2020.
  5. Retirement Plan Investment Review:
    • Joni Troester informed the committee that the wording used for the upcoming review was changed based on feedback from FRIC. 
    • Review will focus on areas in both the mandatory and voluntary plan related to fund line-up and plan architecture. 
    • Phase 2 for the review will explore options for additional flexibility in plan design. 
    • Next steps will be to go to the Shared Governance committees for review.

Wieland motion; Schueller second; Unanimous approval to adjourn.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Submitted by Sarah Tallman

Oct. 04, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes: Oct. 04, 2019

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting

October 4, 2019, 302 USB

Introduction and roll call of members:  Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Daniel Katz, John Laverty, Nicole Nisly, Cormac O’Sullivan, Ben Rogers, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Introduction and roll of administrative liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Absent (members): Steve Bernholtz, Brian Kaskie

Visitors: Megan Hammes, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Jill Valde,  Kara Wright, Mary Ann Allen

  1. Approval of September 2019 minutes: Motion to approve Wieland, 2nd Rogers. Unanimous approval
  2. Catastrophic leave policy: Joni Troester provided an update on proposed changes to the Catastrophic leave policy which would allow eligibility for 9-month faculty and staff to receive donations.
  3. Changes in medical plans and open enrollment: Following extensive deliberations of FRIC and approval by the Board of Regents, University of Iowa will offer two health plans during calendar year 2020: UIChoice (existing) and UISelect (new). UISelect plan has been designed to accommodate the needs of employees who want lower monthly premiums in exchange for increased copay and deductibles. Additional differences include Level Three providers by exception only and a change in the Rx Formulary. The UI Benefits department intends to hold extensive informational sessions and one-on-one office hours to educate employees on the two plans. This effort starts next week with mailing out the information packet for open enrollment that begins on October 23 and closes on November 15, 2019.
    • Other changes include an increase to the Healthcare Flexible Spending Account limit to $2,700 for calendar year 2020.
  4. Mandatory retirement plan fund line-up changes:  The Retirement Fund Investment Review Committee has recommended fund line-up changes to the mandatory 403(b) retirement plan.
    • Two funds will be changed to a share class with lower fees. These are as follows:
      • T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund will be changed from the retail share class to institutional share class
      • Columbia Small Cap Value Fund will be changed from the retail share class to the institutional share class.
    • Two funds will be closed with assets and balances mapped to the identified funds. This is due to low performance and higher fees of the funds that will be closed. These include:
      • TIAA CREF International Equity (TIIEX) MAPPED TO TIAA CREF International Equity Index Fund (TCIEX)
      • Victory Munder Mid Cap Growth Fund (MGOYX) MAPPED TO TIAA-CREF Mid-Cap Growth Fund (TRPWX)
  5. Offering a 457(b) retirement saving plan: Effective January 1, 2020, University of Iowa will offer a voluntary 457(b) plan that enables employees to make contributions for retirement savings. Contributions can be on a pre-tax or post-tax basis. 2019 IRS limits allow $19,000 as a maximum contribution. This is in addition to the 403(b) voluntary plan limits. Campus communication will occur mid-December 2019 with contributions starting 1/1/20.
  6. Updates on LiveWELL program: Megan Hammes, Senior Director of UI LiveWELL program provided an update on LiveWELL, specifically LiveWELL 2020 and planned changes. In 2019, LiveWell went through an external review. Recommendations from this review formed the basis for liveWELL 2020. Changes include alignment of liveWELL mission with UI mission, expansion of programming and services focused on campus engagement and well-being culture, expansion of one staff member, and discontinuing the one-time annually Personal Health Assessment incentive with reallocation of funds to support the expanded programming and staff.
  7. Retirement Plan Investment Reviews:  The Retirement Fund Investment Review Committee is the committee with fiduciary responsibility for all employee retirement plans provided by UI. As part of this fiduciary responsibility, the Committee is considering a review of the retirement plans by an outside consultant to make sure plan design, funds, and fees are in alignment with best practice and meet all compliance standards. More discussion will occur with FRIC on this issue.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.

Submitted by Anand M. Vijh  

Sept. 06, 2019 Approved Meeting Minutes

FRIC Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2019

Members Present:  Jon Garfinkel, Nancy Davin, Daniel Katz, Brian Kaskie, Cormac O’Sullivan, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland, Steve Bernholtz, Ben Rogers, Nicole Nisly, Michael Schueller

Members Absent:   John Laverty, Anand Vijh

Administrative Liaison:  Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:   Megan Hammes, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Susan Klatt, Dana Stafford, Jill Valde, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheri Smith, Russ Ganim, Krista Henderson (Aon); Lindsay Matola (Aon)

Approval of Minutes from June 7, 2019:  Motion by Michael Schueller; second Nancy Davin.  No discussion and unanimous approval.

Review of Committee Charge by Committee Co-Chairs:  Reminder that FRIC is advisory and takes on discussions that deal with insurance and retirement issues of University faculty/staff. FRIC makes recommendations to UI Administration for consideration in decision-making actions. Institutional memory possessed by FRIC members is important to the function of the committee. Thus, it is important for members to be present for all, or the majority of, the eight regularly scheduled meetings each academic year. Jon Garfinkel reminded members of attendance expectations and not to miss meetings unless necessary. 

One question posed:  Is membership determined in the same manner by faculty and staff?  The protocol for appointing members is defined by Staff Council and Faculty Senate.

CY2020 Premium Rates for Health and Dental

First item:  Dental insurance premium rates for CY2020. 

No increase recommended by FRIC for CY2020.

Second Item:  Health insurance premium rates for CY2020

Joni Troester reviewed the UI Choice health plan which has relatively no changes other than the Employee Premium cost share for Employee Only and Dual Spouse will be 5% for CY2020, an increase from no cost share in the past. Premium rates for all other family statuses remain the same as past years at 20%.  Level One Provider changes will also be implemented in CY2020 per FRIC discussion and recommendation at the April 2019 meeting.

Also reviewed were the most relevant details of the “new” UI SELECT plan as approved at the BOR meeting in August.  This plan has lower monthly premiums, higher out of pocket costs, the deductible applied in a standard manner, different co-pay structures for primary care and specialists, a behavioral health co-pay, new formulary, and Level 3 coverage is by exception only.  Employee only and dual spouse family coverage will be 0% premium cost share for the employee. All other family status will be at 20% premium cost share for the employee.

A review of the plan design modeling that took place in Spring 2019and how items in the plan are changing was presented to refamiliarize members and guests with proposed changes and updates.

A review of what CY2020 rates are based on (claim experience, Admin expenses per contract, medical trends, plan design features, tier ratio, plan migration) was presented to clarify differences from past approach to rate setting to the new approach used for CY2020 rates. This approach will be utilized going forward.

Discussion of definition of terms was important to understand the 2020 rate setting approach. 

 Rate setting is also dependent on projected Industry Trends as evaluated by several sources (AON, Wellmark, Other consulting firms) and is based on consultation with UI partners. National averages for trend are estimated between a 6.0 and 7.0% increase.

Rate setting for CY2020 will occur across entire UI population instead of individual family statuses (Philosophy) to control volatility and risk.

  • Assumptions per AON Model (migration %, plan design change, adverse selection factor, PPO cost factor)
  • Projected Trends: 7% for medical and Rx
  • Admin Fees known and included in rates
  • Look back period of 6/1/2018 – 5/31/2019

A rate setting table was shown on screen with proposed rates. A comparison slide was shown to differentiate premium costs between UI CHOICE and UI SELECT on monthly and annual basis.

An approximate 10% increase in rates is proposed across all family status for the UI CHOICE plan.  Rates for the new UI Select plan are approximately 20% less than the UI Choice plan

Several communications will be delivered to the UI population to educate on differences in plans and includes examples on utilization impacts and over all costs. 

Various concerns were expressed by FRIC members regarding differences in costs from 2019 to 2020 and between plans. The educational component is core to success of these plan additions and changes. UI HR is very focused on outreach and education in September and October to assist members with making choices for plan.

FRIC members posted additional questions on rate setting process to which Aon consultants responded.  This included Aon’s input and modeling related to plan design changes with the new plan, adverse selection and migration rates to the new plan predicted at 30%.

Medicare Carveout Retiree Premium Rates were also reviewed.

There will be an approximate 10% increase to the UI Choice retiree rate.  Rates for UI Select Medicare Carveout will be approximately 11% less than the UI Choice Plan.  The Medicare Carveout rates are for those retirees age 65 and older.

A motion was made to recommend the CY2020 premium rates for Dental II, UI Choice and UI Select be accepted by UI administration and implemented for member selection in an expanded enrollment period in October/November 2019.

Motion made by:  Nisly

Second by: Kaskie

Vote: 11-0-1 (abstain)

An additional meeting scheduled for September 13th was cancelled due to lack of need given full discussion of CY2020 premium rates was completed at the September 6th meeting.

Schueller motion; Davin second; Unanimous approval of meeting cancellation.

Submitted by Mike Schueller


FY19 Meeting Minutes

Jun. 07, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

June 7, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jon Garfinkel (co-chair), Nancy Davin (co-chair), Dan Katz, Teri Schnelle, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Anand Vijh, Julie Urmie, Chuck Wieland, Cormac O’Sullivan

Members Absent:  Steve Bernholtz, Nicole Nisly, Ben Rogers, Brian Kaskie

Administrative Liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Susan Klatt, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Dana Stafford, Cheri Smith, Heather Minehart, Jennifer Vermeer, John Laverty, Michael Hesseltine, Cristobal McKinney, Jill Valde, Russ Ganim

  1. Introductions:
    • Completed for members and guests.
    • Welcome to Cormac O’Sullivan (faculty/College of Nursing) who has joined the FRIC committee as a replacement for Katherine Tachau.
  2. Approval of May meeting minutes:
    • Motion by Mike Schueller to approve May minutes; second by Nancy Davin. Motion passed unanimously.
  3. New plan discussion
  • Rebecca Olson provided a review of new plan parameters related to how the deductible would be applied and example scenarios.
  • Group discussion of exception process if no level 1 services available.  There is a standard process through University Benefits/WellMark to follow.
  • Julie Urmie provided an update on the proposed formulary change with the new plan. The main difference between formularies is that the formulary for the new proposed plan does not cover tier 4 drugs. Most tier 4 drugs are brand name drugs where a generic equivalent is available. Benefits staff plan to inform members who are currently on tier 4 drugs that their tier 4 medications would not be covered if they switch to the new plan. This notification will occur prior to the deadline for making 2020 plan enrollment decisions.  
  • Joni Troester provided a presentation on modeling of rates for the proposed two plans based on 2019 data. It was emphasized that these rates are not the actual 2020 rates. Current estimates nationally are suggesting a 7% trend increase for 2020.  Actual 2020 rates will be discussed at the September 2019 FRIC meeting.   
  • Discussion of new plan and review of reasons for the change. Beginning in 2020, rate smoothing will occur across employee statuses to increase premium stability and across plans to account for employees with different levels of health choosing different plans. Point of emphasis from discussion was the importance of using any savings from the new plan structure to directly benefit employees. 
  1. Motion by Sarah Tallman to proceed with offering of a second health plan as outlined in the FRIC discussion to be available beginning January 1, 2020; second by Mike Schueller.
  • In Favor; 8 members
  • Opposed; 1 member
  • Abstain; 1 member
  1. Motion by Dan Katz to cancel the June 13, 2019 meeting; second by Mike Schueller.  Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.  Meeting minutes submitted by Julie Urmie

May 10, 2019 Meeting Minutes

May 10th, 2019 – Funded Retirement and Insurance (FRIC) Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jon Garfinkel*, Nancy Davin*, Ben Rogers, Dan Katz, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Steve Bernholtz


Members Absent: Sarah Tallman, Brian Kaskie, Michael Schueller, Chuck Wieland

Member Resigned: Katherine Tachau

Administrative Liaisons Present: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Julie Sexton, Jennifer Vermeer,  Michael Hesseltine, Megan Hammes, Susan Klatt, , Siroos Shirazi, Megan Threlkeld, Lisa Mascardo, Alex Mersch, Chelsea McIntire, Laurie Textor, Brandon Johnson, Mike Weaver, Cristobal McKinney

  1. Introductions and roll call:
  • Completed for members and guests
  1. Approval of March and April 2019 minutes:
  • Katz motion/Urmie second
  • Unanimous approval of notes from both months approved
  1. Specialty Pharmacy Update:

The Plan was to go live on 1/1/19. There are 700 members on Specialty Meds and 122 of the expected 210 member transitioned to the new plan. As we transitioned, we helped them with any known rebates and copay mechanisms. They gave several examples of success stories from those that had made the transition.

Next year there will be data available on the ramifications of the new plan.

  1. Health Benefit Review update:

During the month of April, UHR staff met with shared governance leadership to further discuss the draft recommendations of the Health Benefit Advisory Group; specifically the proposed new health plan.

The timeline has been updated regarding the discussion and approval of the recommendations and the proposed new health plan.  Discussion will be through mid June and include additional discussion with FRIC.   A new health plan requires Board of Regent approval.  Materials on a new health plan are tentatively planned to be part of docket materials (due July 1) and tentatively planned to be on the August 1 agenda.

There will be 2 FRIC  meetings in June, the 7th and 13th for further discussion and review of the proposed new health plan

The new plan would have lower premiums with a higher out of pocket expenditures. Other proposed changes include deductibles defined and applied in a standard manner, different co-pay structure for PCP vs. Specialist visits, behavioral health co-pays, Rx formulary of Rx Value Plus, and Level 3 by exception only.  

If the new plan is approved, campus communication and education will be a focus of the roll-out late summer through open enrollment in Fall 2019.  This includes group meetings and the opportunity for one to one visits.

  1. September Meeting Discussion
  • Motion to have two meetings in September (6 and 13) by Rogers; second by Urmie
  • Unanimous approval for two September meetings.

Meeting adjourned @1:00 p.m.

Meeting Schedule

  • Special FRIC meetings
    • June 7; 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Room 302 USB
    • June 13;  12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in Room 302 USB
  • Academic Year meetings
    • First Friday of the month from 11:30  a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    • For September 2019- two meetings
      • September 6; 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
      • September 13;  11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Apr. 05, 2019 Meeting Minutes

May 10th, 2019 – Funded Retirement and Insurance (FRIC) Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jon Garfinkel*, Nancy Davin*, Ben Rogers, Dan Katz, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Steve Bernholtz


Members Absent: Sarah Tallman, Brian Kaskie, Michael Schueller, Chuck Wieland

Member Resigned: Katherine Tachau

Administrative Liaisons Present: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Julie Sexton, Jennifer Vermeer,  Michael Hesseltine, Megan Hammes, Susan Klatt, , Siroos Shirazi, Megan Threlkeld, Lisa Mascardo, Alex Mersch, Chelsea McIntire, Laurie Textor, Brandon Johnson, Mike Weaver, Cristobal McKinney

  1. Introductions and roll call:
  • Completed for members and guests
  1. Approval of March and April 2019 minutes:
  • Katz motion/Urmie second
  • Unanimous approval of notes from both months approved
  1. Specialty Pharmacy Update:

The Plan was to go live on 1/1/19. There are 700 members on Specialty Meds and 122 of the expected 210 member transitioned to the new plan. As we transitioned, we helped them with any known rebates and copay mechanisms. They gave several examples of success stories from those that had made the transition.

Next year there will be data available on the ramifications of the new plan.

  1. Health Benefit Review update:

During the month of April, UHR staff met with shared governance leadership to further discuss the draft recommendations of the Health Benefit Advisory Group; specifically the proposed new health plan.

The timeline has been updated regarding the discussion and approval of the recommendations and the proposed new health plan.  Discussion will be through mid June and include additional discussion with FRIC.   A new health plan requires Board of Regent approval.  Materials on a new health plan are tentatively planned to be part of docket materials (due July 1) and tentatively planned to be on the August 1 agenda.

There will be 2 FRIC  meetings in June, the 7th and 13th for further discussion and review of the proposed new health plan

The new plan would have lower premiums with a higher out of pocket expenditures. Other proposed changes include deductibles defined and applied in a standard manner, different co-pay structure for PCP vs. Specialist visits, behavioral health co-pays, Rx formulary of Rx Value Plus, and Level 3 by exception only.  

If the new plan is approved, campus communication and education will be a focus of the roll-out late summer through open enrollment in Fall 2019.  This includes group meetings and the opportunity for one to one visits.

  1. September Meeting Discussion
  • Motion to have two meetings in September (6 and 13) by Rogers; second by Urmie
  • Unanimous approval for two September meetings.

Meeting adjourned @1:00 p.m.

Meeting Schedule

  • Special FRIC meetings
    • June 7; 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Room 302 USB
    • June 13;  12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in Room 302 USB
  • Academic Year meetings
    • First Friday of the month from 11:30  a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
    • For September 2019- two meetings
      • September 6; 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
      • September 13;  11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Mar. 01, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting
March 1, 2019
302 USB                    

  1. Introduction and roll of members:  Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman
    Introduction and roll of administrative liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson
    Absent (members): Ben Rogers, Katherine Tachau
    Visitors:  Megan Hammes, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Jill Valde, Jennifer Vermeer, Jodi Felderman, Gina Krueger, Dan Fick
  1. Approval of February 2019 minutes: Nisly motioned to approve meeting minutes.  Second by Kaskie.  Unanimous approval by committee.
  1. Presentation on Proposed Network Design:  Joni Troester shared background information on Level 1 providers and utilization, including the dissolution of the Health Alliance partnership and need to grandfather providers as Level 1 providers through end of 2019.  Jennifer Vermeer presented overview of proposed Level 1 network as of January 1, 2020.  UIHC’s goal is to be the provider of choice for the UI Family.  The proposed network would focus on providing members access, high value and quality care.  UIHC has implemented several initiatives to increase same day access for acute care, as well as access and capacity to primary care appointments by adding more providers. Vermeer provided information on access targets for primary, secondary and tertiary care, as well as plans to achieve benchmarks at UIHC. Vermeer will return for the April 5, 2019 FRIC meeting to provide more details surrounding the new Level 1 network for 2020.  The committee tabled any recommendation until the April, 2019 FRIC meeting.
  1. Q4 2019 Quarterly Metrics and Utilization by Age Band: Rebecca Olson presented metrics to the committee. Committee members requested enhancements to reporting to include split of health insurance data between medical and drug and number of claimants by age band.
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Next meeting is on Friday, April 5, 2019.

Feb. 01, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting February 1, 2019

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Nancy Davin*, Ben Rogers, Dan Katz, Chuck Wieland, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Brian Kaskie, Steve Bernholtz


Members absent:  Katherine Tachau

Administrative liaisons present: Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:   Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Julie Sexton, Cristobal McKinney, Susan Klatt, Megan Hammes, Gina Krueger

Introduction and roll call: co-chairs

Approval of January minutes; Motion/Davin, Second/Urmie (Unanimous approval)

Follow up on FRIC Member Training Session held January 23, 2019

 January 23, 2019

Health insurance premium being tied to pay:   Garfinkel explained that the Health Benefit Review Committee discussed this and there was no consensus to make this change, whether it would make a positive or negative impact. Decision was to leave this issue for now.

Reserves:  If a positive balance is achieved from revenues being greater than costs, this balance goes toward the reserve for health insurance.  Reserves are managed under the direction of the CFO.   

Additional data: It was suggested that FRIC review the current quarterly metrics that are provided to the group first.  If additional questions arise, specific request for data can be made.  Dan Katz requested a breakdown of utilization by age band.  This will be provided at an upcoming meeting.

Speaker request:  Katz also requested a guest speaker on behavioral economics.  This topic will be added to New Business and a speaker identified.

Discussion regarding Health Benefit Review and use of potential savings from implementation:  FRIC discussed the following options to explore related to potential use of funds:

  • Support for faculty and staff well-being services
  • Support for preventive health services
  • Financial assistance to low wage earning employees for out of pocket costs associated with catastrophic illness
  • Cost control of fringe rate expenses to allow for greater salary increases

 This information would be conveyed by Jon Garfinkel to the Health Benefit Advisory Group at their next meeting.

Access and Capacity at UIHC was also discussed briefly:   Reference was made to information distributed in early 2019 regarding access for UI Choice members.  This information will be brought to the March meeting.

FRIC requested that an annual outcome summary regarding the Health Benefit Review  recommendation implementation be provided.

The May 2019 meeting will be moved from May 3 to May 10.

Wieland requested a brief written summary after the May 10th meeting for those individuals who are unable to attend.

Motion to dismiss – Davin / Rogers.  (Unanimous)   

Meeting Adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Minute Taker: Sarah Tallman

Jan. 11, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting January 11, 2019

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Nancy Davin*, Ben Rogers, Dan Katz, Chuck Wieland, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Brian Kaskie


Members absent:  Steve Bernholtz, Katherine Tachau

Administrative liaisons present: Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests: George Johnson, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Julie Sexton, Cristobal McKinney, Susan Klatt

Introduction and roll call: co-chairs

Approval of December minutes; Motion/Wieland, Second/Schueller (Unanimous approval)

Health Benefit Review

Jon Garfinkel initiated the discussion regarding the Health Benefit Review and work of the Advisory Group.

  • Today’s meeting is to talk about Health Benefits Review (HBR)
  • Looking for FRIC’s feedback on current ideas from the HBR Advisory Group
  • Next HBR Advisory Group meeting is January 18th where FRIC feedback will be considered.

 Discussion of material commenced. Specific points that were discussed included:

  • Guiding principles updated due to feedback from FRIC. Reviewed these updates.
  • One guiding principle contained language about benefits being an integral part of recruitment and retention as well as simultaneously paying attention to peer comparability of our benefit plans.
  • Motion was made to separate peer comparability from “recruitment and retention” and have two guiding principles instead. - Motion carried
  • Suggested language along the lines of “Offer competitive and comparable benefits in line with that of peers”

 Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) Efficiency Opportunity - Julie will present at April meeting to educate the group on PBM.

Joni Troester (Administrative Liaison) provided the following information.

  • UI leadership has asked for a lower cost health plan alternative to accommodate those employees who would like a lower premium option.
  • The HBR Advisory Group has an early proposal for two plans as opposed to the current structure that has only one health plan.  In the proposal, one plan would be the current UI Choice plan. The second plan would be a lower monthly premium plan that has higher co-pays and out of pocket maximums. The covered services provided is proposed to be essentially the same across both plans.
  • The HBR Advisory Group is also recommending changes to the discounts that single and dual spouse family receive on their health plan premium cost share. At present these two family status’ receive their health plan at zero employee premium. This is different from all other family status’ which pay a premium of 20% of the total cost of the plan.  The proposal was to keep the zero premium but only on the lower monthly premium plan while the current UI Choice plan would have some cost associated with it for all family statuses.

 There was extensive discussion by the FRIC committee members about these changes.

 Major points discussed regarding the second health plan option included:

  1. Risk selection concern where healthier people will select low cost option and there will be administrative overhead to manage this and may impact plan cost/viability.
  2. Missed opportunity to look at more innovative value based health.
  3. There will be additional education overhead as we transition to this new structure.
  4. Individuals have choice on other types of insurance they purchase (auto, life. etc.), should this be a different situation.

Joni Troester (Administrative Liaison)

  1. University Benefits would work with Aon (actuarial consultant) related to actuarial methodology related to plan premium setting and to control for potential migration concerns.
  2. University Benefits continues to seek out value based opportunities.  

A motion was made by Nisly/second by Schueller to “support a second healthcare plan with the same covered services and a lower premium but with higher out of pocket costs”. This motion passed 8 in favor and 4 opposed.

Major points discussed regarding the proposed changes in premium cost share for employee only and dual spouse family for the current UI Choice health plan.  The proposed changes include either a 5% cost share or 10% cost share for each of these family status for the UI Choice health plan. 

  1. That the dual spouse credit encourages the recruitment and retention of hard to recruit individuals to Iowa.
  2. That in the current political climate reductions to family benefits, such as the dual spouse family credit, will be viewed as anti-family.
  3. That this change has the potential to seriously impact staff morale and retention. For the last decade the average raise has been quite low in percentage terms and this reduction in benefits will be seen as a cut in pay at the same time pay checks are mostly flat.
  4. Individuals in the E/S, E/C, Family pay premiums now (20%) and are considered a family status; this would provide some equity relative to all family status.  Additionally, many faculty/staff who pay the 20% are still being retained by good benefits.
  5. The proposed changes are viewed from an overall faculty/staff perspective and not from a specific family status view.

The committee was not able to come to near consensus on the proposed changes in premium but did take two votes. They were:

  1. A motion was made by Wieland/second by Kaskie “to support UI Choice single and dual spouse family plans paying 5% of the total plan cost.” 6 For and 6 Opposing
  2. A motion was made by Wieland/second by Kaskie “to support UI Choice single and dual spouse family plans paying 5% in the first year of total plan cost and 10% in the second year.”   6 For and 6 Opposing

Meeting Adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

Minute Taker: Ben Rogers

Dec. 07, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting December 7, 2018

Members present: Jon Garfinkel*, Nancy Davin*, Katherine Tachau, Dan Katz, Chuck Wieland, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Brian Kaskie


Members absent: Ben Rogers, Steve Bernholtz

Administrative liaisons present: Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests: Siroos Shirazi, Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Julie Sexton

  1. Introduction and roll call: co-chairs
  2. Approval of minutes with corrections; Motion/Katz, Second/Tallman
  3. Specialty pharmacy transition: Rebecca Olson provided an update on the transition to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics’ assumption of the role of specialty pharmacy prescription provider. Efforts to reach people affected by the transition have or will include a mailing with brochure, follow-up calls, and dedicated help phone line to assist people with questions.
  4. Health Benefits Review: Joni Troester led an update and discussion on the progress of the Health Benefit Advisory Group (HBAG). The HBAG has identified guiding principles and goals. The group has been guided by the survey of benefits completed this Fall. Some potential recommendations from the Group were presented as falling into two categories: 1) Those affecting plan efficiency and access to care, and 2) changes to plan options and design.

In general, it was voiced that the language of the HBAG’s guiding principles be aligned with their goal statement by including that recruitment and retention of faculty be explicitly mentioned in the 7th bullet of the guiding principle as it relates to competitive benefits.

Under the first heading of plan efficiency and access to care, the specific recommendation to study opportunities for cost saving through modifications to the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) engendered robust discussion and was generally supported by the group, with the caveat that changes to the PBM not affect the delivery of quality health care and access to the best medications.

Related to plan options and design, the HBAG is focusing on expanding the health plan options (noting that there was general satisfaction and little need to make changes to the dental plans) and increasing utilization or participation in specific provider networks. Questions that were raised by FRIC members included whether, in an unrestricted market, high income or healthy members would migrate to a low premium/higher deductible plan, or if there would be other market factors that would concentrate beneficiaries with high-cost health needs in certain pools eventually leading to a disproportionate rise in these groups’ premiums. It was also expressed that the low-cost plans need to maintain quality. Other ideas were to give members information and education regarding healthy behaviors and support and influence those healthy decisions with incentives. There was also a discussion on the necessity of the plans to support chronic care management.

The FRIC committee then summarized the discussion in the following recommendation that the Health Benefits Advisory Committee consider the following:

    1. Add explicit language in the 7th guiding principle on “competitive benefits” that states support of recruitment/retention of faculty and staff
    1. With a new plan and its subsequent design, consider these features
      1. Support of healthy behaviors through incentives
      2. Support of chronic care management
      3. Emphasis on education

Motion to approve recommendation by Chuck Wieland, second Dan Katz

Unanimous approval by the committee

Nov. 02, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting
November 2, 2018

302 USB     

  1. Introduction and roll of members:  Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Ben Rogers Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Michael Schueller, Katherine Tachau, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland, Introduction and roll of administrative liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson
    Absent (members): Brian Kaskie, Sarah Tallman
    Visitors:  Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Jill Valde, Cristobal McKinney, Lena Peterson
  2. Approval of October 2018 minutes: Dan Katz motioned to approve meeting minutes.  Second by Katherine Tachau.  Unanimous approval by committee.
  1. Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit:  University Benefits shared the outcomes of the audit and planned campus community communication.  University Benefits web page is updated with the outcomes of the project.   https://hr.uiowa.edu/benefits/dependent-eligibility-verification

The future management process was shared by University Benefits including policy/procedures,  and discussed by the committee.  When dependents are  added to the plan, they will have to be verified. This will occur internally by University Benefits staff.  Data security/privacy is very important and is being taken into account, documents will only be held temporarily. Committee had discussion and believes that University Benefits has a defined an appropriate process.

  1. Health Benefits Review: The Health Benefit Advisory Group continues work on review of the medical plan, dental plan and flexible credit system.  Four members of the FRIC committee are also members of this broader advisory group.  Full faculty/staff survey results were shared with the FRIC committee and discussed by the group.   Preliminary recommendation themes under discussion by the Advisory Group were shared with the FRIC committee, these included opportunities for plan efficiency, multiple plan options vs single plan option and premium cost share between the Employer/Employee.  Additional information will be discussed at the December 7th FRIC meeting.  

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Next meeting is on Friday, December 7, 2018.

Recorder:        Ben Rogers, FRIC member

Oct. 05, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Meeting
October 5, 2018

302 USB

  1. Introduction and roll of members:  Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Teri Schnelle, Katherine Tachau, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland,
    Introduction and roll of administrative liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson
    Absent (members): Ben Rogers, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman
    Visitors:  Megan Hammes, Cheryl Reardon, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Jill Valde
  2. Approval of September 2018 minutes: Steve Bernholz motioned to approve meeting minutes.  Second by Chuck Wieland.  Unanimous approval by committee.
  3. Education material; Joni Troester shared a newly designed flyer by University Benefits that explains key health insurance terms and basic plan provisions that depend on the level of health care provider within UIChoice health plan.
  4. Voluntary Educational Session for FRIC Members: Based on expressed interest from FRIC members, Joni Troester proposed a voluntary January 2019 educational session for FRIC members   The session will focus on the basics of plan design and function. Members may participate remotely.  A doodle poll will be sent to all members with a date finalized and announced at the November meeting.
  5. Specialty pharmacy: As discussed and approved during previous meetings, UIHC pharmacy is the only designated pharmacy for specialty pharmacy medications for the UIChoice health plan effective January 1, 2019.   UI Benefits has planned communication throughout the fall to members who currently use specifically medication to alert them of this requirement.   Specific communication materials (sample provided at the meeting) will be mailed to participants.  For those members required to transfer prescriptions, tailored assistance will be provided through UI Health Care pharmacy.
  6. Telemedicine: The UIChoice health care plan currently offers the UIeCare service as a telemedicine service for some basic health issues.  Effective January 1, 2019, the UIChoice plan will be using a vendor web-based service provided through WellMark called Doctor-on-Demand.  This is a 24/7 service with coverage across all states.
  7. Open enrollment for 2019

Scheduled for November 1 – 16, 2018. 

Updates on benefits available during the open enrollment process; changes effective January 1, 2019

    • UIChoice premium increase at 2.5% across all  status
    • Dental II premium increase at 0% across all status
    • Health care flexible spending account annual maximum raised to $2650
    • Supplemental Life Insurance under the UI benefits plan is renamed to Voluntary Term Life insurance. Besides, now an employee must purchase this coverage for himself or herself before purchasing it for a dependent.
    • Benefit confirmation process will be completely on-line
    • Informational sessions held across campus to provide assistance; on-line sessions available for remote workforce
  1. Dependent eligibility audit: UI Benefits recently completed a dependent eligibility verification audit through a contracted third-party vendor (HMS).   An estimated 98% of employees have responded. For remaining employees who have not responded, unverified dependents will be dropped from the benefits plan effective January 1, 2019. These employees will be advised to send proof of dependent eligibility during the November open enrollment period to resume dependent coverage for 2019 or they may select COBRA coverage for dependents that are no longer covered starting January 1, 2019.
  1. Health benefits review: The Health Benefit Advisory Group continues work on review of the medial plan, dental plan and flexible credit system.  Four members of the FRIC committee are also members of this broader advisory group.  Recent activities of the advisory group were the administration of a faculty/staff survey to benefit eligible employees (approx. 18000).  Preliminary survey results were shared with the FRIC committee.  The response rate was 37%.  Overall respondents have a high level of satisfaction with both the UIChoice and Dental II plans.  A full report will be provided at the November 2nd meeting.
  1. Investment review committee update: An institutional investment review committee was formed in spring 2018.  FRIC member Jon Garfinkel sits on this committee and provided a brief update.  The committee is currently drafting an investment policy statement and operational guidelines.
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Next meeting is on Friday, November 2, 2018.

Recorder:        Anand M. Vijh, FRIC member

Sep. 07, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee Meeting
September 7, 2018

302 USB

  1. Introductions and Roll of Members:  Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson, Nancy Davin, Michael Schueller, Ben Rogers, Nicole Nisly, Dan Katz, Chuck Wieland, Brian Kaskie, John Garfinkel, Teri Schnelle, Julie Urmie, Steve Bernholtz

Introduction and Roll of Administrative Liaisons: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Absent (Members):  Katherine Tachau, Sarah Tallman, Anand Vijh

Visitors:  Richard Saunders, Dianne Wasson, Cheryl Reardon, Jessica Wade, Megan Hammes , Kara Wright, Laurie Textor

  1. Approval of May 2018 Minutes: Chuck Wieland made a motion to approve the minutes. Michael Schueller provided the 2nd. The minutes from the May 2018 FRIC meeting were approved unanimously.
  1. UI Choice ad Dental II CY2019 Rate Setting:  The committee began the effort of approving premium rates for CY2019 with the Dental II Plan. A rating period of January 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018 was reviewed and annualized to a 12-month period to set the dental premium rates. This was due to not having a full 12-month period for the entire covered population due to the addition of the merit staff to the UI dental plan on January 1, 2018. Dental premium rates are being recommended to FRIC for approval at no increase for CY2019. Chuck Wieland made a motion to approve the Delta Dental II plan rates as recommended to FRIC. Nicole Nisly provided the 2nd. The motion was approved unanimously by the committee members.

    For CY2019 UI Choice premium rates, a rating period of January 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018 was used and annualized to a 12-month period. This was due to not having a full 12-month period for the entire covered population due to the addition of the merit staff to the UI health plan on 1/1/18.  The proposed premium increase for the UI Choice plan is 2.5% across all family statuses. Chuck Wieland made a motion to approve the UI Choice plan rates as recommended to FRIC. Nicole Nisly provided the 2nd. The motion was approved unanimously by the committee members.
  2. UI Choice plan changes CY2019 (specialty pharmacy and telemedicine):  UIHC Pharmaceutical Care will be the required specialty pharmacy for the UI Choice plan effective 1/1/19. General communication on this change will begin in late September   Announcements will go out in late October to those directly impacted by this change, which is approximately 400 people. The UI Choice health plan will not use UI E-care moving forward. This program will move to a vendor program provided through Wellmark called Doc on Demand. The vended service will be available in all states and at a lower cost to the UI Choice plan. This service will remain free to members.
  3. Health Flexible Spending Account Limit:  Healthcare SA limit will increase to $2,650 in CY 2019. Open enrollment materials will be updated to reflect increase.  
  1. Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit:    Audit progress has been positive with multiple communications to UI Choice contract holders covering dependents. Communication began in May and is planned through September   As of 9/7/2018, 85% of contract holders with dependents had responded to the audit.  The verification process closes on 9/10/2018 with a grace period offered through 9/28/18.  At the close of the grace period, the vendor (HMS) will provide UI Benefits with a full report and outcomes. 
    Next steps and follow-up will be through UI Benefits.   An update will be provided at the October FRIC meeting.
  1. 2017 ACO Shared Savings:  The UIHC Accountable Care Organization Agreement with UI has been successful to this point. Specific quality indicators were met by the UIHC ACO for CY2017. Thus, the savings realized from meeting these quality objectives were shared between the UIHC and UI.  Total savings was approximately $4.5M with 30% provided to UIHC per the agreement. Overall a very good experience in partnership with UIHC.
  2. Health Benefits Review:  This Health Benefit Advisory group is comprised of many members and includes four FRIC committee members. The group is currently looking at preliminary modeling of different health care plan designs. A University-wide survey about  current UI health care plans and perceptions was sent out in the week of September 3rd.   There were approximately 2,700 responses in first 24 hours that the survey was available to faculty and staff. The survey will close at 11:59 P.M. on 9/19/2018.  The intent is for FRIC to have preliminary information from the survey at the October meeting. An aggregate report will be web published for campus wide consumption.
  3. TIAA Fund Line-up/Investment Review Committee:  There is a need, per regulatory requirements, for increased fiduciary review and responsibility on the part of the retirement plan sponsor, in this case the University of Iowa. A committee has been established to assume this responsibility. Committee membership is comprised of the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Investment Officer, General Counsel, AVP Total Rewards, Director of Benefits, College of Business content expert, and FRIC Committee Co-Chair.   The committee will review the retirement plan(s) fund line-up, fees and associated management.  The committee is currently developing an investment policy statement (IPS) to be shared at an upcoming FRIC committee. 
  4. Quarterly Metrics: General review of metrics indicates that average cost of care per member per month has increased over same periods in previous year.
  5. Motion to remove tentative meeting scheduled for from calendar for 9/14/2018.
    Motion from Schueller. 2nd by Wieland. Unanimous approval.
  1. Motion to Adjourn.

FY18 Meeting Minutes

May 04, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

May 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Daniel Katz, Nicole Nisly, Ben Rogers, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland,

Members Absent: Katherine Tachau, Brian Kaske, Steve Bernholz, Teri Schnell

Administrative Liaison: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests: Mike Brownlee, Lisa Mascardo, Richard Saunders, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Jessica Wade

  1. Introductions:
  • Completed for members and guests
  1. Approval of April 2018 minutes:
  • Minutes were approved without change.
  1. Specialty Drug Presentation 
    • Mike Brownlee and Lisa Mascardo from UIHC Pharmaceutical Care gave slide presentation on specialty drug management at UIHC.
    • Committee discussed pros and cons of using UIHC as the required dispensing/coordinating provider for specialty drugs.  Committee members were supportive of the switch with recognition of the need for plan member education and outreach during the transition period. 
    • Motion by Chuck Wieland (Nicole Nisly second) to use UIHC as the sole dispensing/coordinating provider of specialty drugs beginning in calendar year 2019.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Diabetes Pilot Update:
    • Dianne Wasson gave an update and slide presentation on the AIM@Diabetes pilot.  The pilot has 33 active participants with 107 invited to date.  Early results are positive.  Another update with more results will be presented in one year.
  1.  Dependent Verification Audit:
    • Rebecca Olson reported that they have selected a vendor for the dependent verification audit.  Initial communication with employees will go out Tuesday (May 8th) with multiple ongoing contacts throughout the process.  Suggestion to add non-majority examples to the communication (e.g. partners and adoptions). 
  1. UI Center for Advancement/UI HC –Follow-up discussion:
    • UI Health Care IT was made aware of opt-out screen issue and has implemented a fix that currently is in beta testing. 
  1. Benefits Review:
    • Joni Troester gave an update on the benefits review group and survey.  The survey will be pilot tested this summer.  Group is looking at benchmarks and will report to FRIC in Sept 2018.  Will be future discussion about whether to offer an HMO medical plan  in addition to the current PPO medical plan. 
  1. September FRIC Meetings:
    • Discussion of need to have additional September 2018 meeting.
    • Motion by Chuck Wieland (Nicole Nisly second) to have meetings on Sept 7 and Sept 14, 2018.  Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00.  Meeting Minutes submitted by Julie Urmie

Apr. 06, 2018 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

April 6th, 2018 - Meeting Minutes

Members/Administrative Liaisons Present: Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Daniel Katz, Nicole Nisly, Ben Rogers, Teri Schnell, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Chuck Wieland, Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Laurie Trextor, Keri Samrau, Brenda Byrom

Members Absent: Katherine Tachau, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh

  1. Introductions:
    • Completed for members and guests.
  1. Approval of February and March 2018 minutes:
    • Minutes were approved as presented.
  1. PAC Update (Access and Appointments at UIHC) Presentation
    • Access and Appointments at UIHC provided an update on their initial presentation, including information on access and efficiencies.
    • Asked the group how to better inform new employees about MyChart (and its features). University Benefits will work to add MyChart information to new employee orientation.
  1. UI Center for Advancement/UIHC – Follow-up
    • Awaiting additional information from UIHC. Will discuss during next meeting in May if available.
  1. Dependent Verification Audit
    • Update shared: Selection of vendors is down to two possible vendors, both with experience in higher education. 
    • There will be a comprehensive communication plan to inform employees of the audit process. Communication will happen early and often.
    • University Benefits will work with vendor to outline plan for maintaining verification in the future. 
  1. ACA Compliance/Flexible Credits
    • After consulting with General Counsel and outside legal counsel a solution has been found. We will be in compliance if employees choose UI Choice or complete an attestation letter that they have minimal essential coverage elsewhere. This will be a part of open enrollment planning in the future.
  1. Specialty Drugs
    • There is a recommendation that UIHC pharmacy be the provider/ coordinator of specialty drugs. All drugs would be filled through UIHC (or coordinated through UIHC if necessary). Mail order would be available.
    • Any change will be supported with a communication plan and assistance making transfers to UIHC pharmacy.
    • There will be no increases in costs for members.
    • UIHC staff will attend the next FRIC meeting to provide more information. FRIC members should send any questions they have in advance for Joni to share with the UIHC staff.
  1. Benefits Review
    • Update on the faculty/staff survey. Survey will be administered in fall 2018, which still allows for 2020 calendar changes.
  2. Quarterly Metrics
    • Quarterly metrics were shared.
    • The committee discussed uptick in use in 4th quarter (which coincides with the end of year use), and increased education for members to use services all year long versus waiting for the end of the year.
    • May 2018 metrics will include the new merit population.
  1. New Business
    • Diabetes Pilot Update: Will be discussed during May meeting
    • ACO Progress Update: Will be discussed during May meeting
  1. Old Business
    • TIAA Retirement Plan: Continued discussion to occur in Fall 2018.

Meeting adjourned @1:00 p.m.

Mar. 02, 2018 Meeting Minutes


March 2, 2018

Members Present:  Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Daniel Katz, Nicole Nisly, Ben Rogers, Teri Schnell, Michael Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Members Absent:  Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Katherine Tachau

Administrative Liaison: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:  Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Jill Valde, Cheryl Reardon

  1. Introductions– Davin
    Update on UIHC/Mercy/Etc Health Alliance will be dissolved in coming months. No changes to our providers during calendar 2018. Waiting for more information before we can have a discussion about 2019 but we will work to minimize impact.
  2. Approval of February 2018 minutes –   Davin
    Tabled until next month as notes are not yet ready for approval.
  3. UI Center for Advancement/UI HC –Discussion
    The committee deliberated for 40 minutes on this topic. New information was presented by several committee members about practices in UI Healthcare that generated discussion. The group agreed to seek additional feedback from UIHC and will continue the conversation about recommendations during the April meeting.
  4. Dependent Verification Audit – Olson
    Update shared: RFQ for dependent verification audit has closed with four vendors submitting and vendor selection is in process.
  5. TIAA Update
    In fall talked about fund changes that were recommended during October 2017 FRIC meeting. Recommended migration happening March 30th and TIAA has provided communication. TIAA also communicated to impacted participants that Global Natural Resources Fund is being closed by the fund manager and funds will transition to TIAA lifecycle funds.
  6. Health Benefits Review – Troester
    Update: Advisory committee continues to meet. Working on the survey to campus and there has been significant feedback on content. Plan for final draft in the next month. Strategic communication has been engaged to review the survey for usability. Initial benchmark data arriving now from Aon Hewitt. Communication has gone to faculty senate. Website is up to date.
  7. Out of Pocket Maximum for CY2019  - Olson
    Committee discussed whether changes to UI Choice healthcare plan out of pocket maximums should be considered for calendar 2019. The committee discussed the recent addition of all Merit staff to the UI Choice plan and the significant impact that this change could have on individuals in this area. It was also discussed that the data currently available is not representative of the impact because of the change in the plan population. The committee generally agreed that more data post Merit inclusion should be available before considering changes to out of pocket maximums and this was tabled to a future meeting.
  8. TIAA Retirement Plan - Troester
    1. Investment Review Committee – Update: Planning to create this committee as the fiduciary responsibility will reside here for the institution. Litigation is increasing in this area and a more formal process is needed. Shared governance will continue to have feedback into the process.
    2. Fees/Fee Leveling - Tabled
    3. Loans through Voluntary Program - Tabled
  9. Excise Tax Analysis - Troester
    Tax law changed in December 2017 and pushed the ACA excise tax into 2022 but the institution needs to continue monitoring this. Analysis has been completed and under current regulations the employee only healthcare plans would be subject to the excise tax starting in 2023 and family plans in 2030. No immediate changes needed but need to continue to monitor.

    During the analysis,  compliance issues were discovered with the current flex spending plan structure. The ACA guidance currently stipulates that an employer cannot contribute more than $500/year to employee health flex spending accounts or employees must match at higher levels than this. Corrective action is needed for calendar year 2019. Likely this means that employer contribution that is directed to health flex spending accounts will be capped at $500/year but this needs to be reviewed and options examined.

Motion to adjourn and approved at 12:59PM

Meeting Minutes submitted by Ben Rogers

Feb. 02, 2018 Meeting Minutes


February 2, 2018

Members/Administrative liaisons present:  Anand Vijh, Brian Kaskie, Nicole Nisly, Katherine Tachau, Dan Katz, Ben Rogers, Chuck Wieland, Nancy Davin, Steve Bernholtz, Teri Schnell, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Members Absent:  Jon Garfinkel, Michael Schueller

Guests: Megan Hammes, Susan Klatt, Richard Saunders, Dianne Wasson, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Joe Clamon, Lynette Marshall, Sheila Baldwin, Laurie Textor


Completed for members and guests.


Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Motion by K. Tachau, second B. Rogers)

UI Center for Advancement/UI Health Care

Philanthropy discussion: Lynette Marshall and Sheila Baldwin (UI Center for Advancement) along with Joe Clamon (UIHC General Counsel) presented regarding philanthropic efforts directed at UI employees as it relates to University of Iowa Health Care.   They described how philanthropy plays a role in keeping healthcare at the University of Iowa affordable for all regardless of their ability to pay.

The goal of this philanthropy is to reach out to patients and alumni in an effective, passionate, sensitive form of fundraising. They differentiate between reaching out to patients in their approach compared to reaching out to alumni.

This approach meets legal requirements as it relates to HIPAA and exceeds the requirement of the law in protecting confidentiality. Their informal rule is "would I be comfortable if someone approached my parents or my family in this way."

Every patient has the option to opt out of being contacted regarding this philanthropic effort at the time of registration when signing the Privacy Practice Notice.  Opt out can also occur at any time through the use of a function on My Chart.

Several questions came up from the floor regarding the visibility of the opt out for fundraising and where is it was located.  A screenshot was used to provide a visual.

FRIC committee members tabled further discussion on this agenda item for the March 2018 meeting.

Open Enrollment Summary

Discussion of summary documents located in member notebook. Overall a very positive outcome related to open enrollment and merit staff transition to self-funded insurance plans.

There was a question from the floor about a $200 credit to decline health insurance.  This was removed due to ACA regulations which would require the amount be counted towards the affordability calculation of the plan.

Dependent Verification Audit

An audit of University Benefit operations was conducted by Internal Audit in Summer 2017.   As a result, University Benefits is conducting a dependent verification audit  of plan members/dependents.  A third party vendor will be chosen via RFQ process.  Updates to FRIC will be provided at future meetings.  It is anticipated the vendor will be chosen this spring with the audit complete by end of August 2018.

Health Benefits Review

The draft faculty/staff survey to be used as part of the Health Benefit Review process was distributed for review, discussion and recommended revisions.  A small work group made of FRIC members (Julie Urmie, Nicole Nisly, Nancy Davin) worked with University Benefits staff in developing the initial draft.  Suggestions for change included feedback on specific questions, literacy level, a Spanish speaking version and the importance of computer access for employees to complete the survey.  An update draft will be shared with FRIC at a subsequent meeting.

Meeting Adjourn at 1:00 p.m.

Motion  - C. Wieland

Second -  K. Tachau

Motion approved

Minute Taker – Nicole Nisly

Dec. 01, 2017 Meeting Minutes


December 1, 2017

Members/Administrative liaisons present:  Anand Vijh, Jon Garfinkel, Nicole Nisly, Katherine Tachau, Dan Katz, Ben Rogers, Nancy Davin, Steve Bernholtz, Mike Schueller, Julie Urmie, Sarah Tallman, Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Susan Klatt, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Julie Sexton

Members Absent: Brian Kaskie, Teri Schnelle, Chuck Wieland

  1. Introductions:

Completed for members/new members and guests.

  1. Approval of November 2017 minutes: 

Minutes were approved with the following edits. Joni will replace “Fund” with “Fund Families” in # 4.  In # 5 - FRIC sub-committee will form to help create the survey that will be sent to faculty and staff for feedback in early 2018.

  1. Open Enrollment Update:

Rebecca Olson provided a summary.  Kudos and thank you to the Benefits Staff, HR Reps & IMHR who helped with this initiative. 99.5% signed up with only 24 who did not complete the open enrollment.  Follow-up with these staff is in progress so we can get to 100%.

There was some discussion about feedback from merit staff during the process.  No feedback was provided to the FRIC.  Joni explained that we will see more data at the February meeting as they plan to map the changes from 2017 to 2018 and determine the impact of this change on merit staff.

  1. UI Center for Advancement communication:

We discussed the 11/15/17 email communication sent by Sean Matthys, Director of Development – Health Care Philanthropy.  Some history was shared with October 2012 FRIC minutes when UIHC & the University of Iowa Foundation sent a similar email soliciting donations from patients.

There were many opinions expressed.  We will ask the Center for Advancement and UIHC representatives to attend the February meeting where we can ask questions and share concerns. 

  • Is it legal to send this type of communication to patients?
  • Ethical concerns
  • Process of identification
  • Impact on care
  • Targeted email

Joni reminded us that FRIC is an advisory committee and can recommend course of action only. 

  1. TIAA Retirement Plan:

Discussed the current fee structure.  The consensus was that the head count fee should not be on the table for consideration.

During an upcoming meeting, we will see more data on TIAA participation and the impact of fees. The most recent UI payroll indicates there are approximately 17,000 active employees contributing to TIAA accounts.  The group agreed to continue discussion at future meetings.

  1. Quarterly Metrics: Olson

In 2018, the quarterly metrics dashboard will begin to include the 10,000 additional covered lives as a result of the merit population being covered under the UI Choice plan.  Results will be available in May 2018.  We discussed separating the pharmaceutical expense in the “Cost of Care” section.

  1. Benefits Review:

FRIC subcommittee will form to advise Joni and Rebecca on the survey that will go out to benefit eligible faculty/staff requesting feedback on health benefits. Drafting of the survey will occur in Dec – Jan timeframe with survey to campus during Spring 2018 semester.  We need volunteers from FRIC for the subcommittee.  Nicole Nisly, Nancy Davin and Julie Urmie volunteered to fill this role. A draft survey will be discussed at the February 2018 meeting.

The staff representatives on the  Campus Advisory Committee will attend the December Staff Council meeting where an overview of the Health Benefits Review will be provided. 

Information is posted on the Benefits website at https://hr.uiowa.edu/health-benefits-review

Feedback regarding the review may be sent to the following email hr-benefits-review@uiowa.edu

Meeting adjourned @1:00 p.m.

Nov. 03, 2017 Meeting Minutes


November 3, 2017

Members/Administrative liaisons present:  Anand Vijh, Jon Garfinkel, Nicole Nisly, Katherine Tachau, Dan Katz, Ben Rogers, Chuck Wieland, Nancy Davin, Steve Bernholtz, Mike Schueller, Julie Urmie, Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Susan Klatt, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Brock Noel (TIAA), Katie Skorupski (TIAA)

Members Absent: Brian Kaskie, Steve Palmersheim, Sarah Tallman

  1. Introductions: Completed for members/new members and guests.
  1. The October 2017 minutes were approved.
  1. An Update on the Open Enrollment Process and the transition of UI merit staff to UI health care plans was given by Rebecca Olson: an extensive, successful and ongoing effort has been made to educate and enroll the merit staff prior to the November 17 deadline. The majority of potential candidates have participated. The effort has involved University wide meetings, web based efforts and mailings (55 informational meetings, 4 online sessions, 24 computer lab sessions for online enrollment, 12 dedicated office hours). People who do not enroll by the deadline will still be able to enroll through December 5th.
  1. Continuation of Fee Leveling Discussion:
    A presentation was given by Brock Noel from TIAA about the fee leveling proposal. By way of background, TIAA has had an 8 bps revenue requirement to satisfy the Recordkeeping Services Agreement. This fee is separate and in addition to any fund management expenses. As of January 1, 2018, the revenue requirement will be reduced to 6 bps. In conjunction with this adjustment, a proposal has been made to evenly distribute this fee across all TIAA-CREF asset classes.  Currently the fee is applied to holdings among TIAA and CREF Annuities and some of the non-proprietary mutual funds. The fee applied to these fund classes ranges from 1 to 25 bps. TIAA-CREF Active Mutual Funds, Active Funds, Lifecycle Funds and some of the non-proprietary mutual fund families are currently charged no fee toward the Recordkeeping Services Agreement. Fee leveling proposes to apply an even 6 bps to all assets. About thirty percent of participants would be affected by a fee increase  (up to $60 per $100,000 of holdings) and about 60% of participants would see a fee decrease of between $115 and $140 per $100,000. Non-proprietary fund families that would be affected by a fee increase include American Funds, Oppenheimer, PIMCO, Royce, and Vanguard. Other non-proprietary funds would experience a fee decrease.

Discussion followed the presentation. A point that was raised was that there is a trend toward greater participation in the Active Mutual Funds and Lifecycle Funds (assets that currently do not participate in the service management fee), which over time could decrease the revenue available to administer fund management.

The group agreed to continue discussion at future meetings.

  1. Update on Benefits Review Process:
    Two additional members have been included in the University wide Benefits Advisory Group. Advisory Group meetings will begin December 12th. FRIC subcommittee will form to advise on the development of a faculty/staff survey.
  1. Meeting adjourned  1:00 p.m.

Oct. 06, 2017 Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2017

Members/Administrative liaisons present:  Anand Vijh, Brian Kaskie, Jon Garfinkel, Nicole Nisly, Katherine Tachau, Dan Katz, Ben Rogers, Chuck Wieland, Nancy Davin, Steve Bernholtz, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Members Absent:  Steve Palmersheim

Guests:  Susan Klatt, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon


Completed for members and guests.


Meeting minutes were approved as presented.


 The open enrollment period of current merit staff started September 29th and runs through November 17, 2017. There will be over 45 educational sessions on the enrollment process for merit staff.  There will be an addition of approximately 4,200 contracts and 10,000 covered lives. There are 21 computer labs to help those who don’t have direct access to a computer. As time draws down near the end of the selection time, those who still haven’t selected their new plan will be notified.


  1. Recordkeeping Fees
    Record keeping fees for CY2018 will decrease from 8 to 6 basis points (bps).
  2. TIAA Retirement Plan Portfolio Manager
    TIAA is offering a new service, TIAA Retirement Plan Portfolio Manager. This is a voluntary, opt-in service provided on-line that promotes accessibility and can assist individuals with retirement readiness planning.  The fee associated with the service is 25 bps for those who opt-in to the service.  The initial opt-in rate is predicted at 0.5%.  Discussion focused on the service provided and associated fees.  At a future meeting FRIC would like to learn more about the service prior to any consideration of implementation. 
  3. Loans through Volunatary Retirement Savings Program
    For participants who have VRSPs, they are allowed to take out loans on the additional funds they have invested up to 50% of that total. Currently, the maximum number of loans allowed is capped at six (6).   The industry standard is three (3). Currently, approximately 250 individuals have loans through this process with approximately 50 individuals having greater than 3 loans.  Discussion focused on the ability of individuals to use their own funds as needed for life circumstances.  Additional data was requested on 1) purpose of loans, 2) terms of loans.
  4. Fund line-up review/migration
    1. Royce Micro Cap  To  TIAA CREF Small Cap Blend Index Fund Institutional (TISBX)
      Royce Fund has 348 participants/$3.7M assets/Net expense ratio of 148 bps
      TIAA fund is a very similar fund and lowest cost option with Net expense ratio of 6 bps.
      Motion to close Royce Micro Cap and to migrate participants from Royce Micro Cap to TIAA CREF Small Cap Blend by C. Wieland/2nd by N. Nisly.  Unanimous approval.
      Migration will occur in Spring 2018 with appropriate notification to all participants.
    2. Harbor International   TO   American Funds Europacific Growth (RERGX)
      Harbor International has 1322 participants/$20M assets/Net Expense ratio of 79 bps
      American Funds EuroPacific Growth (RERGX) is a similar fund with less concern of exposure to emerging markets and lower Net Expense ratio of 50 bps.
      Motion to close Harbor International and to migrate participants from Harbor International to American Funds Europacific Growth by N. Nisly/2nd B. Rogers.  10 yes/1 no/1 abstain
  5. Fee leveling
    Initial discussion of fee leveling concept across all funds within the TIAA line-up.  Membership requested additional information and a presentation by TIAA at the November meeting on this topic.


During the November 3rd meeting, the group will be discussing a new benefit review process that will begin late fall. With changing legislation and the addition of merit staff to the self-funded plans, it is an opportunity to review the plan design and ensure the needs of faculty and staff are met along with those of the organization.  

Meetings adjourned at 13:01

Note taker: Steve Bernholtz

Sep. 01, 2017 Meeting Minutes

September 1, 2017

Members/Administrative liaisons:  Anand Vijh, Brian Kaskie, Jon Garfinkel, Nicole Nisly, Katherine Tachau, Dan Katz, Ben Rogers, Steve Palmersheim, Chuck Wieland, Nancy Davin, Steve Bernholtz, Mike Schueller, Sarah Tallman, Julie Urmie, Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Susan Klatt, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon


Completed for members/new members and guests.


Co-chairs Garfinkel and Davin reviewed the Guiding Principles for the purpose and function of the committee. They also discussed attendance guidelines for the entire committee and stressed the importance of consistent attendance at each of the eight scheduled meetings in the academic year.

FRIC is an advisory committee to the President of the University and his cabinet. FRIC also has an exception for membership guidelines because of need for institutional knowledge on the committee. Thus, it is important to consistently attend each of the meetings. Attendance guidelines/thresholds were provided to the members. Some discussion ensued regarding these attendance thresholds and the wording of how/when a member could be removed based on lack of attendance. After some minor wordsmithing of the guidelines, Brian Kaskie made motion to accept the guidelines with suggested edits. The motion was seconded by Dan Katz and carried in the affirmative by unanimous vote.

Edited Guidelines are as follows:

If a member of the Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) misses three (3) meetings in a given academic year, the committee chairs and the member will jointly reassess the member’s ability to attend and participate in an effective manner. In consultation with the President of the relevant shared governance body (Faculty Senate or Staff Council), committee will move to consider member removal. Extenuating circumstances such as main-job requirements shall be considered.


Katherine Tachau suggested minor changes to the minutes from the May 5, 2017 meeting. Chuck Wieland made motion to accept the minutes with suggested edits. Brian Kaskie seconded the motion which was then approved unanimously.


Joni Troester provided an update on the transition of UI merit staff to UI health care plans based on outcomes from Chapter 20 changes approved by the state legislature during the 2017 legislative session. An open enrollment process will take place this fall for merit staff.  The open enrollment period of current merit staff will be September 29th through November 17, 2017. There will be educational sessions on the enrollment process for merit staff.  There will be an addition of approximately 4,200 contracts and 10,000 covered lives. Data analysis focused on the demographics of the new population added to the plans indicate some additional increase in plan costs. 

Currently, discussions are in process of how merit staff will be represented through shared governance including membership on FRIC.


  • Office co-pays are the primary change for each enrollment category. Level 1 co-pays will increase from $5.00 to $10.00 per visit. Level 2 co-pays will increase from $20.00 to $25.00 per visit. Level 3 coinsurance will increase from 40% to 50%.
  • Emergency Room  copays will increase from $50.00 to $100.00.
  • Level 1 providers update: McFarland Clinic and Iowa Clinic PC (Des Moines area) will no longer be Level 1 providers as of January 1, 2018.
  • Quick Care visit co-pays will remain at $5.00 per visit.
  • Flexible spending account limit is increased from $2,550.00 to $2,600.00.


Dental:  Based on the rating experience period and information shared by  Delta Dental regarding estimated dental trends, recommendation is 0% increase in Dental II rates across all four family status for CY2018.  

Motion to approve rates as recommended was made by Brian Kaskie, seconded by Katharine Tachau and approved unanimously by the committee.

Health: Based on the rating experience period, inclusion of merit staff into the UI Choice health plan and estimated health trends, recommendation is a 5% increase in UI Choice rates across all four family status for CY2018.

Projected rates/factors/supporting information

  • Wellmark data indicates integrating merit will require increase as there will be additional cost trend based on the assessment of the population demographics
  • The national trend increase is 6-7%.
  • Requirement to cover costs of health care provided by UI self-funded plan
  • Proposed 5% increase in premiums for each family status (still keeps UI increase 1 – 2% below the national average increase).
  • Consideration for impact on merit staff as they experience a substantial increase in health insurance premiums relative to their previous plans. Substantial messaging will be coming from University Benefits  to merit staff to assist with the change.

Motion to approve new premium rates for CY2018 as presented made by Mike Schueller, seconded by Nicole Nisley. Vote was 12/2, yea/nea.


Current UI practice requires no documentation to add or change covered lives during open enrollment periods or with change of status in insurance coverage. Based on Internal Audit review,  UI Benefits will conduct a dependent audit verification. UI Benefits will proceed with selection of a third party vendor to conduct the audit. A discussion of issues related to privacy followed the introduction of this topic.


Motion to cancel FRIC meeting scheduled for September 8, 2017 was made by Chuck Wieland, seconded by Steve Bernholtz and unanimously approved by the committee. No need for this meeting given approval of CY2018 premium rates by the committee at current meet

FY17 Meeting Minutes

May 05, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Minutes from May 5, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. in 302 USB.

Members present: Steve Bernholz, Nancy Davin, Nicholas Fransisco, Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Daniel Katz, Nicole Nisly, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Administrative officers present: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Members absent:  Mary Greer, Steven Palmersheim

Guests present: Megan Hammes, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade

  1. Jon Garfinkel and Nancy Davin co-chaired the committee.
  2. Committee members, administration representatives, and guests introduced themselves.
  3. The minutes of meeting from April 7, 2017, were approved unanimously.
  4. This was Bernard Sorofman’s last meeting as he is retiring at the end of this academic year. The committee thanked him for his many years of valuable service.
  5. The committee reiterated the plan design changes for 2018 that were approved during the last meeting. The UI Choice office visit copay will be increased to $10 for Level 1 providers, $25 for Level 2 providers, and 50% for Level 3 providers. The emergency room copay will increase to $100 for CY2018.  The committee was made aware that Quick Care visits are currently being billed as a Level 1 visit with associated co-pay structure.  A request has been made to UIHC to determine if Quick Care visits can be billed under a separate tax identification number to allow for differentiation in CY2018 so the co-pay can remain at $5 per visit.  Follow-up information will be provided at the September 2017 meeting.
  6. Rebecca Olson provided an update on the status of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  The House has passed a version of Repeal and Replace ACA bill, but the Senate is likely to make modifications. The situation remains fluid. However, changes to the ACA are not likely to affect the UIChoice Health Plan in a significant way.   Updates will continue to be provided at each meeting.
  7. Joni Troester provided an update on the Diabetes Pilot Program that was approved by FRIC in September 2015. UIHC is starting a pilot study of a group of high-risk individuals covered by our health plan in June 201 UIHC will make a presentation on the effectiveness of this program during a future FRIC meeting (tentative December 2017).
  8. Megan Hammes made an extensive presentation of the LiveWell program. This successful program was started in 2006. The guiding principle of the initiative is that better employee health leads to improved job performance and worker satisfaction that create additional value for the university. Effectiveness is demonstrated through participation and engagement of employees, improved health behaviors and outcomes related to cost management. Based on aggregate survey data from the Personal Health Assessment, UI employees have better health than that of the average person in the state of Iowa and the United States.   For a complete listing of programs and services see https://hr.uiowa.edu/livewell.
  9. The Committee decided to meet twice in September 2017 (September 1 and 8).  Two meetings allow for more time to discuss premium-setting for the coming calendar year.

Recorder:            Anand M. Vijh

Apr. 07, 2017 Meeting Minutes

The University of Iowa Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

4/7/2017 Meeting Minutes

Started: 11:30 am

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Brian Kaskie, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Chuck Wieland, Nicholas Francisco, Nancy Davin, , Dan Katz, Anand Vijh, Nicole Nisly

Members Absent: Jon Garfinkel, Katherine Tachau, Mary Greer, Steve Palmersheim
Administration: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson
Guests: Megan Hammes, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Julie Sexton, Kara Wright, Dr. Brad Archer, Suzanne Hilleman

  1. Introductions were given.
  2. The minutes of the March 3, 2017 meeting were unanimously approved.
  3. There are no new updates about the ACA. The UI will continue to monitor proposed changes and provide regular updates.
  4. TIAA Fund Lineup Updates

On 03/31/2017, the TIAA CREF SP500 fund was eliminated from our fund lineup and participant funds transferred to the Vanguard Mutual Fund. Communications were sent to plan participants prior to the fund change.

The CREF Money Market fee waiver will be eliminated on April 14, 2017. An alternative to the CREF Money Market, the TIAA-CREF Money Market fund, was added on October 31, 2016 and at that time, future CREF contributions were redirected to the new fund. Those who have accumulations in the CREF Money Market fund may wish to consider moving them to another fund or start paying that fee. Communications were sent to plan participants with CREF Money Market fund accumulations.

  1. Plan Design for FY2018

Committee discussion focused on plan design changes related to Level 1, 2 and 3 office visit co-pays/co-insurance and emergency room co-pay for CY2018. The initial philosophy was reviewed related to incenting use of Level 1 providers. Additionally, data from WellMark was shared regarding practices across their book of business related to cost sharing for office visits and emergency room care.

For Office Visit Co-Pays for CY2018 the motion was made by Chuck Wieland/second by Nicole Nisly to increase Office Visit Co-pays to the following.
Level 1 - $10
Level 2 - $25
Level 3 – 50% coinsurance
Motion approved 9 (in favor) and 1 (opposed).

For Emergency Room Visit Co-Pay for 2018 the motion was made by Chuck Wieland/second by Nicole Nisly to increase ER visit co-pay to $100 per visit. Motion approved 7 (in favor) and 3 (opposed).

  1. Health Insurance Metrics: UI CHOICE

Metrics were reviewed with the group. CY2017 Q1 metrics will be available at the May meeting

  1. Adjourned just before 1:00 pm.

Recorder: Steve Bernholtz

Mar. 03, 2017 Meeting Minutes

The University of Iowa Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

3/3/2017 Meeting Minutes

Started:  11:30 am

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Brian Kaskie, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Chuck Wieland,  Nicholas Francisco, Nancy Davin, Mary Greer, Steve Palmersheim.

Members Absent: Jon Garfinkel, Daniel Katz, Anand Vijh, Katherine Tachau, Nicole Nisly.

Administration: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Jeri King, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Dr. Brad Archer

  1. Introductions were given beginning with Nancy Davin who chaired the meeting.
  2. The minutes of the February 3, 2017 meeting were unanimously approved.
  3. An update on the Affordable Care Act and potential impacts to our benefits program was given by Ms. Olson. The ACA Executive Order of Jan 20, 2017 was briefly discussed. Olson pointed out the burden placed on the University for reporting under the ACA. The UI is monitoring the future of the ACA as new leaders were appointed by President.
    There was a brief discussion about the difference between a Health Savings Account (HSA) under the ACA versus the University’s Flexible Spending Account.
  4. TIAA CREF SP500 Mutual Fund and Vanguard Mutual Fund
    Currently UI has two funds; TIAA CREF SP500 Mutual Fund and Vanguard Mutual Fund that are identical in terms of the type of product.  However, the TIAA fees are .06% and Vanguard fees are at .04%. Effective 03/31/2017, the SP500 fund will be eliminated and funds will be transferred to Vanguard. Letters will be sent to impacted members.
  5. Wellmark ACO
    Dr. Brad Archer and Dianne Wasson presented slides for a high level overview of the Wellmark ACO. Reviewed current quality scores/measures and financial performance. Discussed differences between the Wellmark ACO and the proposed Internal ACO agreement in terms of risk, staffing, and targeting of the attributed members for UI Health Care. Additional ideas were brought up about how UI Wellness can continue its contribution to employee health and possibly align with the ACO program goals.
  6. Level One Providers: UI CHOICE
    Members continued discussion regarding the list of current Level One providers. The key question posed was whether level one coverage should be continued for care provided under all of the UI Health Alliance members. Joni Troester provided a document showing utilization cost total by level one provider. Motion made by Chuck Wieland to not make any changes to the current level one provider list; motion seconded by Mary Greer. The vote was as follows:eight in favor, zero opposed and one abstain.Motion carried.
  7. Plan Design for CY2018
    Joni Troester presented a document summarizing the 2018 Plan Design Options for UI Choice Health plan. Discussion focused mainly on increases to co-pay and co-insurance for office visits and emergency care as recommended by Wellmark. Members requested additional metrics from Wellmark for comparison purposes. Members requested specific data on ER visits that resulted in inpatient admission. A reminder that the decision to change co-pay/co-insurance needs to be made by May 2017. Troester plans to have additional data for the next FRIC meeting.
  8. Adjourned 1:00 pm.

Recorder: Nicholas Francisco

Feb. 03, 2017 Meeting Minutes

The University of Iowa Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

2/3/2017 Meeting Minutes

Started:  11:30 am

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Daniel Katz, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland,  Nicholas Fransisco

Members Absent: Katherine Tachau, Nicole Nisly, Nancy Davin, Mary Greer, Steve Palmersheim

Administration: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:  Megan Hammes, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Frank Mitros

  1. Introductions were given beginning with Jon Garfinkel who chaired the meeting.
  2. The minutes of the December 2, 2016 meeting were unanimously approved.
  3. An update on the Affordable Care Act and potential impacts to our benefits program was given by Ms. Olson. With the change in Federal administration, revisions to ACA are anticipated. The ACA Executive Order of Jan 20, 2017 was briefly discussed. The EO instructs federal agencies to exercise authority and discretion to waive, defer, grant exemptions from or delay implementation of the ACA provisions that impose fiscal or regulatory burdens on States or individuals, or various components of the medical-insurance-industrial complex. Members have expressed interest that popular ACA provisions such as the extension of dependency to age 26 be continued. Major changes to the UI self-funded health plan are unlikely to be experienced by repeal or revision of ACA. ACA update will be a standing agenda item for the spring meetings.
  4. UI Health Care Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
    Key concept:Accountable Care Organization (ACO) is a local health care organization that assumes accountability for the quality and cost of care delivered to a defined population.This creates a financial incentive to control cost and provide quality health care services to the covered population.Intended as a “win win” concept for employers and providers.

University of Iowa is in a unique position in terms of the being both an employer and a provider organization that has an ACO.  UI does want the benefit of population health management and accountability for quality/cost delivered to our health plan members as available through the UI Health Care ACO.

In this type of arrangement, UI and UI Health Care are looking at the option of an Internal ACO agreement regarding any savings that would occur in CY2017 because of improved population health management of the UI attributed members to the UI Health Care ACO.

Targets for quality and cost management for CY2017 are established by WellMark using historical UI data with inflation factored in.  Shared savings for CY2017 will be calculated by WellMark and information available in July 2018. 

UI and UI HC would enter into an agreement to distribute any shared savings for CY2017 with UI retaining 70% of the savings and UI HC receiving 30% of shared savings.

A motion was made by Jon Garfinkel to support the shared savings agreement between  UI and UI HC for one year (CY2017) and require a presentation at the March 2017 FRIC meeting on UI HC plans.  This motion was seconded by Chuck Wieland.  The vote was as follows:  eight in favor, zero opposed and one abstain.  Motion carried.

  1. The group then continued the discussion from the November meeting on Level One Providers.  The key question posed was whether level one coverage should be continued for care provided under all of the UI Health Alliance members. In support of continuing level one coverage to the entire Alliance was the possibility that beneficiaries outside of the Iowa City area might be harmed by restricting level one coverage just to the Iowa City area UIHC. Additional information on the financial ramifications of restricting level one within the Alliance was requested and the group agreed to continue discussion on this topic at a later meeting.
  2. Adjourned 1:00 pm.

Dec. 02, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee (FRIC) Minutes from December 2, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 11:30 a.m. in 302 USB.

Members present:    Steve Bernholtz, Nancy Davin, Nicholas Fransisco, Jon Garfinkel, Brian Kaskie, Daniel Katz, Nicole Nisly, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Administration present:  Joni Troester,  Rebecca Olson

Members absent:  Mary Greer, Steven Palmersheim, Katherine Tachau

Guests present:  Brad Archer, Megan Hammes, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade, Kara Wright, Pat Brophy, Pamela Villacorta, Cheryl Reardon

  1. Jon Garfinkel and Nancy Davin co-chaired the committee.
  2. Committee members, administration representatives, and guests introduced themselves.
  3. The minutes of meeting from November 4, 2016, were approved unanimously.
  4. The first agenda item for the day was a presentation on UIeCare by Dr. Patrick Brophy from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC). eCare is one of the emerging trends in healthcare across the country. UIHC began offering service through UIeCare in Fall 2015. UIeCare is available at present to all UI Choice plan participants as a no cost option.

The following is the UIeCare website and provides an overview of how the service works and is delivered to patients.  https://uiecare.com/#/home.  UIeCare provides an easily accessible, lower cost option for some routine medical issues and is a means of cost management for the health plan.  At present,  UIeCare can be delivered in 17 states.

In early 2017, there will be an email communication to all UI Choice participants informing them about the capabilities and availability of UIeCare. The committee very much appreciated the information provided by Dr. Brophy.

  1. With a new administration taking office in January 2017, there are anticipated changes that may occur related to the Affordable Care Act.  University Benefits will continue to monitor the situation and provide an update at subsequent meetings as more information becomes available.  Current requirements remain in effect.  2016 employer reporting will occur in early 2017 as planned.
  2.  A sample quarterly health plan dashboard was distributed and reviewed by the committee.  Additional information was requested regarding definitions for specific categories and a separation of ER visit costs from Outpatient Cost and Utilization.  Additional information will be shared at upcoming meetings. 
  3. Proposed changes to the UI Choice health plan for CY2018 were reviewed and discussed that include changes to the co-pay and co-insurance structure.  Further discussion will occur at subsequent meetings in 2017. These proposed changes parallel those already implemented or proposed by other healthcare plans in the region as identified by the WellMark book of business.
  4. In 2017, the committee will continue to review data and discuss UI Choice health plan design changes for CY2018.
  5.  The next committee meeting will be held on February 3, 2017. The current meeting adjourned around 1 p.m.

Minutes recorder: Anand M. Vijh

Nov. 04, 2016 Meeting Minutes

The University of Iowa Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

11/4/2016 Meeting Minutes

Started:  11:32 am

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Nancy Davin,  Jon Garinkel, Mary Greer,, Daniel Katz, Steve Palmersheim, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Chuck Wieland

Members Absent: Katherine Tachau, Nicole Nisly, Nicholas Fransisco, Anand Vijh

Administration: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:  Brad Archer, Dan Fick, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Jessica Wade, Dianne Wasson, Kara Wright, Cheryl Reardon, Todd Patterson, Keri Semarau

  1. Introductions were given.
  2. Minutes.  Motion to approve the October 7, 2016 minutes by Chuck Wieland and second by Michael Schueller.  Motion carried unanimously and minutes approved.
  3. Presentation: UIHC Access and Capacity – Todd Patterson/Keri Semarau.  The initial discussion centered on the Patient Appointment Center, UI-PAC. PAC staff can receive their work through incoming calls, EPIC, and MyChart. Most departments and clinics at UI HC are a part of the system as to enhance scheduling. It is patient focused and provider friendly with improvements seen in call wait time, abandonment rate of calls and most important the ability to conveniently schedule appointments.  An annual update will be provided on this issue going forward.
  4. Health Insurance Metrics: UI CHOICE - Troester.  Initial metrics were shared with the committee related to risk scores of the overall UI Choice population.   Additional information and discussion to occur at the December meeting.
  5. Level One Providers: UI CHOICE - Troester.  UI Choice has three levels; each level having different provider groups and subsequent co-payments, co-insurance etc.  for services provided.  The committee will continue review of levels and determine if any changes will be recommended for CY2018 in the payment structures for the levels.  Additional data from WellMark will be available for the December meeting for review and continued discussion.
  6. Adjourned.

Oct. 07, 2016 Meeting Minutes

The University of Iowa Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee

10/7/2016 Meeting Minutes

Started:  11:32 am

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Nancy Davin, Nicholas Fransisco, Jon Garinkle, Mary Greer, Brian Kaskie, Daniel Katz, Nicole Nisly, Steve Palmersheim, Michael Schueller, Bernard, Sorofman, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland

Members Absent: Katherine Tachau

Administration: Joni Troester, Rebecca Olson

Guests:  Bruce Harreld, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Julie Sexton, Jessica Wade

  1. Introduction: The committee welcomed President Harreld as an observer.  Introductions were made by all members present.
  2. Minutes.  Motion to approve September 2 and September 9, 2016 minutes by Chuck Wieland, with second by Michael Schueller.  Motion carried unanimously and minutes approved.
  3. FRIC overview.  Jon Garfinkel, co-chair, provided an overview of the committee structure, its history (briefly) and recent substantial decisions / recommendations regarding benefits.
  4. FRIC guiding principles.  Jon Garfinkel, co-chair, reviewed the guiding principles of the committee.
  5. TIAA fund line-up.  The committee returned to the discussion of moving future money market accounts within TIAA.  As discussed in September 2, 2016 FRIC meeting, CREF Money Market Account expense waiver to be eliminated in April, 2017. UI adding alternative money market investment, the TIAA CREF Money Market Fund, to UI fund line-up November 29, 2016. Future contributions to CREF Money Market Account to be re-directed to TIAA CREF Money Market Fund as of November 29, 2016.   TIAA participants, both active and terminated employees, to be notified of changes in October, 2016 by both University Benefits and TIAA.
  6. Health Metrics for UI Choice.  The committee began a discussion of what elements would be useful for a ‘dashboard’ review of UI Choice.  The question asked what types of data would be beneficial to the committee for decision purposes?  The discussion covered many topics and suggestions like comparing different contract types, risk ratios, past year statistics, and ER visits / 1000.  There was significant discussion regarding elements we would like to see on the dashboard.  The discussion included ideas about employee health care factors / situations that could be positively influenced by plan design. Given the conversation, administration will return with a draft dashboard design that includes committee suggestions.
  7. Level 1 providers and UI Choice.  A question has come up as to what it means to be a “level 1 provider” including type of practice and location of practice.  The University of Iowa Health Alliance is adding different types of providers: are they/should they be level 1?  UI Choice plan design currently has Benefit Level 1 which applies when you receive services from these providers: the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Carver College of Medicine (CCOM), UI Community Medical Services Clinics (CMSC), University of Iowa Health Alliance (UIHA) facilities and primary care clinics only. Benefit Level 2 applies when you receive services from a Wellmark Blue Choice Network provider. Benefit Level 3 applies when you receive services outside of Benefit Level 1 or 2. Given the regional outreach of UIHC, should we redefine level 1?  What would be the impact of such decisions on access and the costs of the plan?  No decisions were made and more data will be presented at a later date. 

Recommendation for new business:  Place on a future agenda a discussion of the number of family status categories (currently single, employee/spouse, employee/child, family) and whether we could have fewer groupings (such as single and family).  This will be a substantial discussion that may take two or more years. 

Adjourned:  12:57 pm

Sep. 02, 2016 and Sep. 09, 2016 Meeting Minutes

September 2, 2016

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Nancy Davin, Nicholas Fransisco, Jon Garfinkel, Mary Greer, Brian Kaskie, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Steven Palmersheim, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, Katherine Tachau, Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland
Administration: Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester
Guests: Brad Archer, Terri Hein, Suzanne Hilleman, Richard Saunders, Kevin Ward, Dianne Wasson

September 9, 2016

Members Present: Steve Bernholtz, Nancy Davin, Nicholas Fransisco, Jon Garfinkel, Dan Katz, Nicole Nisly, Steven Palmersheim, Michael Schueller, Bernard Sorofman, , Anand Vijh, Chuck Wieland
Members Absent: Mary Greer, Brian Kaskie, Katherine Tachau
Administration: Rebecca Olson, Joni Troester
Guests: Suzanne Hilleman, Julie Sexton, Richard Saunders

September 2nd  Meeting

Minutes from the May 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved by the Committee.

A preliminary review of the Fall 2016 FRIC meeting schedule was presented by Jon Garfinkel. He reminded the Committee of the additional September meeting scheduled for September 9, 2016 to allow for complete discussion of the health and dental care premium rates for CY2017. He also reminded the Committee that President Harreld would be attending the October 2017 FRIC meeting.

Transgender care coverage under the UI Choice plan was approved and became part of the plan on September 1, 2016. This addition to the health care plan will be highlighted during the open enrollment period for CY2017.

Specific provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will have an impact on the UI CHOICE health plan in CY2017. The most significant impact will be on the $200/month “stay away” credit to members choosing to not take health care benefits through the University plans. Given ACA proposed regulations,  this credit will not be offered in CY2017 to faculty and non-organized professional and staff members.    Approximately 350 faculty/staff currently have chosen this option.  Communication regarding this issue will occur during open enrollment.   Follow-up information will be provided to FRIC after open enrollment.

Effective January 1, 2017, visits to UI Quick Care by a UI CHOICE covered members will be billed as a Level One provider under the UI CHOICE plan requiring a $5.00 co-pay at the time of visit.  This change will improve the administration of the plan for UI.   Bernard Sorofman requested that the Committee be provided with more data regarding how much Quick Care has benefited the UI health care plans.

University Benefits is initiating a change in the investment fund line-up available through TIAA due to the U.S. Department of Labor issuing new regulations covering fiduciary responsibilities for plan sponsors. In an effort to meet fiduciary responsibilities TIAA is recommending that the UI make available a new money market fund – TIAA CREF Money Market Mutual Fund – as an alternative to the CREF Money Market Account.  The CREF Money Market Account expense waiver ends by April 14, 2017; those individuals with assets in this account may experience negative yields if interest rates remain low.   There are approximately 4,100 members in the current CREF Money Market Account.   Communication will occur to these members encouraging them to take action and voluntarily move assets to the TIAA Money Market Mutual Fund.  The UI will also participate in re-direction of funds from the CREF MM Account to the TIAA CREF MM Fund. The redirection applies to current employees (only) making contributions and will not apply to future employees after the date of redirection.

A second TIAA recommendation for UI to meet fiduciary responsibilities is to eliminate a fund from the line-up.  Currently UI has two funds; TIAA CREF SP500 Mutual Fund and Vanguard Mutual Fund that are identical in terms of the type of product.  However, the TIAA fees are .06% and Vanguard fees are at .04%.  UI has approximately 1800 individuals in the TIAA fund.  Given the type of fund, UI can institutionally map the member assets from the TIAA fund to the Vanguard fund.   Once done, the TIAA fund will be eliminated from the fund line-up.  Communication with impacted members will occur in winter 2017 followed by appropriate action with TIAA to move assets and eliminate the identified fund.

This action is intended to reduce the fees of those individuals with assets in the TIAA fund. Katherine Tachau asked that educational materials be included in communications to members regarding why these changes in funds were happening and the cost savings they would provide to members.

Prior to group discussion on premium rates, Jon Garfinkel reminded group members regarding the advisory role of the committee.

Dental II premium rates for CY2017

The committee reviewed information regarding Dental II monthly premium rates for CY2017.  Discussion included information provided by Delta Dental as well as claims history for the rating period.  Katherine Tachau made a motion to accept the recommended premium rate increases for CY2017 as presented to the committee. Mary Greer seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously approved the motion.

UI Choice premium rates for CY2017

A comparative table of health care premiums for CY2016 and the proposed premiums for CY2017 were presented by UI Benefits staff. A discussion of the proposed increases ensued. After some discussion of the health care premium proposal on 9/2/2016 the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 P.M. with the intention of closing the discussion on 9/9/2016.

September 9th Meeting

The Committee re-convened on 9/9/2016 and continued the discussion of the   proposed monthly premium increases for UI Choice for CY2017. A motion was made by Chuck Wieland to recommend to the University of Iowa administration that the premium rates as presented by the UI Benefits Office be accepted as the designated rates for CY2017. The motion gained a second from Nicole Nisley. The motion was passed unanimously by the Committee.

The 9/9/2016 meeting concluded with discussions of various topics that could/should be added to future FRIC meeting agendas. Issues such as specialty drugs, informational resources on the benefits provided under all levels of UI Choice, online resources and more data on the use of the UI plans were put forth as future agenda topics.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:30 P.M.

Note taker:  Michael Schueller